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March, 5 1999
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Welcome to my website!!!! This page is still under construction, but will be ready in no time flat. Hopefully, I will be able to post some anime pics for your viewing pleasure.
Here are some samples of things to come!!!
If you like them, you can e-mail me and find
out what sites have the best gallery pictures.
Some titles include:
Neon Genesis Evangelion

Ghost in the Shell


Oh My Goddess!!

Ninja Scroll
Your Under Arrest
And many more!!!
My name is Adrian. As of now,
I am a resident of Delaware.
Right now, I am attending high
Click on any of these logos to go to each and any of the featured sites!!!
I do not own any of these pictures, music, or animations, and if they belong to you, e-mail me through the second page if you want me to remove it. If it is ok with you, I will keep it here and will create a link to your site as a word of thanks. It will take me a little while, but I will get every link finished in time. All pictures, images, and animations are copy rights of their originators and creators.