Shoujo Kakumei Utena fanart
"Welcome to the fanart page," Reanna says.
::Suddenly, Reanna is attacked by Kozue:: "I saw that picture you drew of you and Micky!"
::Touga approaches the spot where Kozue has Reanna pinned to the floor:: "Uh,  Reanna... I don't think I look bishounen enough in that "Utena at the Beach" picture."
"Touga!" Reanna gasps. "Help me..."
::Akio observes a certain picture...:: "Hmm, now that's not a bad idea. Kozue-kun, are you almost done with Reanna there?"
"You can have what's left of her," Kozue says, browsing through a book entitled
101 Ways to Kill, Maim and Humiliate Your Worst Enemy. "Ooh... Chapter One... Fun with cattle prods."
"Kozue!" Miki says. "I thought I threw that book away!"
"You don't think I'd have just one copy, do you? Ah! This looks interesting. Chapter Two: Cuts, slashes and incisions... Chapter Three: 16th Century-style executions."
::Miki swipes the book away:: "Give me that!" ::Micky flips through the book for a moment, making strange faces all the while. "I didn't know this book had full-color photographic illustrations..."
::Kozue grins evilly:: "Take a look at page 48."
"... ... ugh."
"That's what I'm going to do to Reanna-sempai."
"!! No you're not..." ::Miki pulls Kozue off poor Reanna::
"Come on, Micky..." Kozue pouts.
"Uh, listen," Akio says. "If you're not going to do anything, can I have her then?"
"NO YOU MAY NOT!" virtually everybody shouts in unison, except Kozue, who says,
"Only if I get to watch."
"Kozue?" Reanna asks.
"Can I borrow that book of yours?"
Kawaii Valentines "I drew this picture as a submission for a Valentines Day fanart contest at one of the Yahoo clubs I go to!"
Utena at the Beach
This is some of my earliest Utena fan art!
My pen pal Kat Najera came up with the idea for this one. Her exact words: "I think the Shadow Girls should chain you to Akio's bed and let him do whatever he wants with you." In case you're wondering what Akio's doing in the picture, he's supposed to be watching TV.
Kawaii! My sister Jenna is not actually a fan of Utena, but she drew the most kawaii picture! Check this out!
My pen pal Jennifer (who taught me to draw anime) doesn't care much for yarou, so when I sent her a copy of this pic, she wrote back sarcastically, "I liked the picture of Utena and Anthy you sent too. More lovely pictures of girls fondling eachother..." I think it's a nice picture...
Someday Shine Together
Tricolor Reanna I was so impressed by those oh-so-sexy tricolor pictures of Utena characters, I decided to do one of myself. It's not my best work; I whipped this one up in less than an hour.
A while ago a friend directed me to Had fun there. I found some things I thought I'd never see. I drew this pic with a specific picture in mind, one of Lum from Ursei Yatsura. If anyone out there wants to see it, I still have it.
Reanna Discovers Hentai
I'm not sure how this wound up on the paper, but I'm proud of it! It's become pretty well-liked. I don't like incest, but the Miki/Kozue issue is intriguing...
Miki and Kozue
A pretty good one. ;)
Miki and Anthy
My best friend Ashilee drew this and presented it to me in a frame as a Valentine's Day present. She is the master of the "modern" style and a follower of CLAMP's style, as you can probably see.
Modern style Utena
Another friend of mine had a pretty kinky Akio dream about Akio appearing in a big pink seashell. (And I'm jealous!) This is my sister's interpretation of the infamous "Akio in a Seashell" dream.
Akio in a Seashell
This pic was submitted to me awhile ago and it's finally up! The problem is, Yahoo! deleted the email soon after I downloaded it, so I don't know who sent it to me! Please email me and say so so that I can give you credit!
Gundam Wing fanart by Sunday, one of the creators of the site "SWAP4P." Very unique style! Check this out.
Sigh... two more pictures that were submitted to me but I don't know who they belong to. If these are yours, please email me so I can give you credit!
Lina fanart
Xelloss fanart
Some very recent fanart I did of Techno and Hitomi from one of my favorite anime, "Don't Leave Me Alone, Daisy." I love it! It's so cute! This is the "IN PROGRESS" version, so you can see it partway done. :)
Techno and Hitomi
The original opening pic Remember the pic of me and Miki running from an angry Kozue?
I STILL think this one's kawaii!!
The second opening pic
Can't bear to ditch it...
The cast pic at the home page
Chibi Duo Drawn by my buddy Carolyn. Come on, Carolyn, I think it's kawaii!