"All the Rose Things"

Based on the song "All the Small Things"

by Sami the Strawberry Psycho

All the
     rose things
fit for
     five kings
She made
      dress rip
Utena did flip
    I know
She'll love her big bro
forever balking

Say it's really so
Nanami must go
Don't let her off
Lock her up at home

Na na na na na na na na nami is worse than a tsu-tsu na na na mi

Late night
THIS SUCKS! (I know)
She touched something, she turned pale
Let's just hope it wasn't snails!

Say it's really so
Nanami must go
Don't let her off
Lock her up at home

Na na na na na na na na nami is worse than a tsu-tsu na na na mi