Gone, or Hiding?

Good question. Many of you have probably noticed that I haven't been updating this site in quite some time. To any of you with malicious curiousness, it has nothing to do with your flames. I'm above THAT sort of pettiness!

But anyway, to those of you who have genuinely enjoyed my site and the story, I'm sorry to be so sudden about this! I don't really plan on shutting things down...all of my files are still here, they've just been moved. However, I don't have the time I used to to keep up multiple websites, and as I haven't even been able to watch Sailor Moon in who knows how long, my motivation has waned!

In the meantime, I'll look over my story, see what I can do with that, and if my interest gets sparked again then I'll reopen the site. I also want to redo the layout, but it always takes me so long to come up with an idea!

However, anything could happen. It's just going to take time, so apologies in advance for however long it takes me to decide!
