The friendships and happiness... Usagi-chan, I owe it all to you! Do you remember our first meeting? I smile and laugh a little everytime I remember that day. When you discovered that I went to the same school as you do, you didn't hesitate to approach me, despite the nasty rumors you've heard about me. I'm pretty sure my bento wasn't the only reason for your immediate friendliness. You've always been like that. A kindred soul to everyone. You always seem so happy, helpful and cheerful and nothing seems to bother you. I've always wanted to be like that. I've often wondered why I couldn't or how I could. You have a way about you, and you never seem frightened to approach a lonely stranger. How lonely I was 'til that day you approached me. No one else in the school did, because they said I was too tall or that I was rumored to be too violent. I've often contemplated about these things...why people found me intimidating. I tried to be good at cooking and housekeeping because I thought this would make me very feminine and would cover-up my tallness. There were times when I thought that these kind of stuff weren't enough. But you were there for me when I was down, and assured me that I am beautiful and feminine. Your assurance was always helpful. I never doubted your word and I see you as my morale-booster... You speak and see things from the heart, a trait I admire most about you. You never judged a person from the outside! Usagi-chan, I want you to know that I am thankful for everything you've done for me. I promise to stick with you through thick and thin, like you've always been to me. I never regretted this life of being a sailor-soldier half the time, because I want to protect and be there for you. I admit sometimes that I am overly protective. Gommene sai, Usagi-chan. Close calls never failed to happen, y'see.