十 法 界
四聖 :聲 聞小 乘
緣 覺(獨 覺)中 乘
菩 薩大 乘
六凡 三 善 道
阿 修 羅
餓 鬼三 惡 道
畜 牲
地 獄


4 Groups of liberated Beings:

  1. Buddhas
  2. Bodhisattvas
  3. Sravakas
  4. Pratyeka-buddhas

These four liberated realms have gain release from the reincarnation cycle. (samsara)

6 Groups of Reincarnation Beings:

  1. Gods/ deities
  2. Human beings
  3. Asuras-demons
  4. Hungry spirits
  5. Hell-dwellers
  6. Animal kingdom

These six reincarnation realms are still bounded by samsara, and thus have not gain release from suffering.


The "Smaller vehicle" shere one would concentrate on the liberation of oneself through self effort.

(A) Sravakas 聲 聞

that of the listeners who woe htier enlightenment to the teaching of a Buddha

(B) Pratyeka-buddhas

that of Pratyeka-buddhas 緣 覺 who have gain enlightenment through the teaching of the Twelve Conditioned Genesis (十 二 因 緣)

that of Private buddhas 獨 覺 who have found enlightenment on their own, but do not preach the teaching.


The "Larger Vehicle "where one would practices through both self-effort and other-effort for the liberation of all sentient beings.

(A) Bodhisattvas 菩 薩

- that of the Bodhisattvas who exert themselves for the liberation of others.

- " Bodhi" (菩 提) means realization and enlightenment ().

- "sattvas" (薩 埵) means all sentient beings (有情).

(B) Buddhas

- that of the Buddhas who have fulfilled both self enlightenment and the enlightenment of all sentient being to the fullest extend.

自 覺,覺 他,覺 行 圓 滿。

若 人 欲 了 知,三 世 一 切 佛。

應 觀 法 界 性,一 切 唯 心 造。

Flower Ornament Sutra:

If one wish to know all the Buddhas of the Past, Present and the future, He should perceive that the Dharmadhatus are all manifestation of the Mind.

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