Right Understanding
This is the understanding of things as they are, and it is the four
Noble Truths that explain things as they really are. According to Buddhism,
there are two sorts of understanding:
(a) Knowing Accordingly
- knowledge, accumulated memory, an intellect grasping of a subject
according to certain given data.
(b) Penetration
- real, deep understanding, seeing things in their true nature without
name or label.
- this penetration is possible only when the mind is free from all impurities
and is fully developed through meditation.
Right Thought
This are thoughts of selfless renunciation or detachment, thoughts of
love and non-violence extended to all beings.
Right Speech
abstention from:
(a) Telling lies.
(b) Backbiting and slander that may create hatred and disharmony among
(c) Harsh, rude, impolite and abusive language.
(d) Idle, useless & foolish babble & gossip.
Right Action
The right actions aim at promotion moral, honorable and peaceful conducts.
It abstains us from killing, stealing, sexual misconduct and lying.
Right Livelihood
One should abstain from making one's living through a profession that
harms others. E.g. Trade weapons, intoxication drinks, drugs, killing animals,
cheating etc.
Right Effort
The energetic will to prevent evil state of mind and generate wholesome
states of mind.
Right Mindfulness
This is to be diligently aware, mindful and attentive with:
(a) our body activities
(b) our feelings
(c) our mind activities
(d) our ideas and thoughts
Concentration on breathing is a well-know exercise for our mindful development.
Right Concentration
- This leads to the four stages of Dhyana.