Jeremiah - The Comic

English Title: The Survivors

Volume 1, "Talons of Blood" of the translation of Hermann Huppen's "Jeremiah" was published by Fantagraphics Books in 1982. Full Bibliographic info & Hermann Huppen Biograpy details It appears they published a second volume in 1983, "The Eyes That Burned" (4th volume in the original series) but both volumes met with underwhelming success (I found my copy of "Talons of Blood" in an Everything for a Buck bin) and that was it for english translations. For those who are only familiar with the television series there are some extreme differences between the comics version and the TV series. But that's par for the course when it comes to Comics to TV adaptions. Particularly in a case when the source material is so obscure to an English speaking audience. Most strikingly the fall of civilization isn't caused by the Big Death but rather by social and racial unrest which tears apart urban civilization in North America. The End of The World as we know it Without infrastucture civilization falls back to sustainable technology and isolated communities and independant citystates. So with no Big Death there are folks of all ages around and after his parents die Jeremiah grows up under the care of his aunt and uncle in the walled community of Bends Hatch. Introducing Jeremiah Rather than a streetwise survivor at this point Jeremiah's a naive country boy who has grown up in the relative safety of Bends Hatch. So he's young enough to ignore the danger of raiders and stays out after curfew when he spots a stray mule. Jeremiah & the Mule Which brings about his first meeting with Kurdy. Introducing Kurdy Introducing Kurdy 2 Kurdy is everything Jeremiah isn't, rather than a naive and idealistic youth he's a pragmatic survivor who knows Jeremiah's attempt to warn Bends Hatch about the raiders will get him killed. So he knocks out Jeremiah before he can be spotted and when Jeremiah wakes up his village has been wiped out. He finds the feather from Kurdy's hat in the ruins and figures he was one of the raiders but after an ambush fails and Kurdy passes up the chance to kill him Jeremiah accepts Kurdy's story that he went in after the raiders had finished. While Kurdy isn't a raider he has no qualms about taking what he needs from the dead. One of many reasons he's survived so long as a loner. Jeramiah tags along with Kurdy not having anywhere else to go in hopes Kurdy will lead him somewhere where he can get justice for Bends Hatch. Kurdy knows that the only justice left in the world is what you make for yourself but he can't abandon Jeremiah to get himself killed learning that so he lets him follow and hopes he won't get them into too much trouble. A vain hope but Jeremiah's headstrong actions do get Kurdy involved in bringing down "Fat Eye", who lead the raiders and sold the survivors of Bends Hatch to the Red Nation. Volume one ends with the pair continuing to wander, now as real partners Off to new adventures I suppose you could think of the story as a post apocalyptic Tom & Huck adventure. I imagine future volumes dealt with Jeremiah's growth into someone more like Kurdy but that's pure supposition. Email me if you have any comments or additions to this page
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