After a year without no updates the contest was judged in January 2001 and the only completed story, Craig Reed's, "The Case of the Mangled Millionaire" won.
If you want to see the complete list of contestants then Click here
Otherwise here's the contest details for anyone who's wondering what this was all about anyway.

Magnesite and Margrave in ... ?
by ... ?

Pick a title.  But first a little background might help.

Okay here's the scoop.  Most applicants to SME can be broken down into two
types.  Type 1 has a concept that blatently disregards the continuity and 
expect us to fit it in anyway.  Suggested changes to make it workable are 
ignored and the applicant eventually goes away muttering about elitism and
how we're impossible to work with.  My personal favourite was the one who told 
us evil dripped from our very pores.  Anyway that sums up Type 1.

Type 2 is somewhat more puzzling.  They show up with a workable and promising
concept, we tell them to give it a go after which we never hear from them 
again.  A few examples follow; During the war with Nemesis a droid's AI gets 
hacked so it becomes a free agent; One of Zoisite's minions (his jester)
escapes the Dark Kingdom, being a troublemaker rather than truly evil she 
becomes a thorn in Sailor Polaris's side.  Or to put it another way a real 
pain in the butt.  There are a few others but the real point of this page is 
the following concept.

David Johnston {} wrote in asking about a Magnesite
story with him having to clear Margrave of a murder charge.  He had a story
outline and a few questions about how to make it workable.  I answered the
questions and wrote up a scene for the hypothetical story inspired by the
outline.  I told him to incorporate it or ignore it as he pleased in his 
story.  I was too busy to write a mystery being already backlogged with my 
own stories and only wrote the scene from a spur of the moment inspiration.
It was merely intended as a guide for him as to how things could go

That was in early November '97 and I didn't heard anything from him until 
September '98.  So I came up with the bright idea of throwing the snippet open 
to anyone who wanted to try writing a Magnesite story.  Several people chose
to give it a shot while Ron Inn used it for the inspiration to create his 
own unconnected Magnesite PI adventure.  Here are the original instructions 
on how to enter.
Come up with a story outline inspired by or incorporating the snippet and email it to me at
I'll add it to this page and if it'll work within SME you can become a member of our merry little group. I realize that's not much but I'm on a tight budget here. Best prize I can offer is a cameo in an SME story. Please specify if you'd like to be
(A) A goodguy/girl/other
(B) a villain (The Acolytes of Silence and Fairie both have openings)
Also mention your preferred era; 20th Century, 30th Century {pre, during or after the war with Nemesis} or Golden Millennium.
Okay without further ado here's the scene. Fade in on Magnesite's office circa 2850 AD so we're predating "Babe Wore Blue" & "Case of the Missing Senshi" by at least a century... ***************************************************************************** Margrave's looking a lot twitchier than usual. Still finding you just turned a client into hamburger is the sort of thing that can really upset dames. Definitely ruins the mood. "If you're done with the brooding monologues can we get back to my little problem?" "Sure doll, but what do you expect me to do about it? Open and shut case, you got a little excited and tore him apart. Maybe you can get away with manslaughter but ..." "Dammit, I didn't kill him! I ..." "Not on purpose, sure. Bad for business. But while my memories of the Kingdom are a little hazy I seem to remember when Calcite worked for me he'd sometimes show up with your marks on him. Nothing he couldn't handle but humans are a lot more fragile." "Idiot! I've been in business for centuries. Have you ever heard of any of my clients turning up dead?" "No. For that matter if they did you'd never have lasted this long." "Right. Nobody gets hurt ... well not unless that's what they want and even there I know where to draw the line." Makes sense but I'm wondering how she manages that. Like I said humans break easily and loss of control is something of a given. "So how ...?" "How do I manage it?" I nod and she tells me, "There's what I call a supressor reflex ... well reflex is the wrong word as you have to consciously engage it. I think it's a leftover from Metallia's engineered evolution. Keep the breeding stock from tearing each other apart. End result is part of my mind stays in control and minimizes the biting and clawing. Accessing it is almost second nature to clawed types like me. I learned how to engage it pretty young but I had to teach Titanite ..." "Titanite? What's this got to do with her." "Think it through, dolt. She's a youma, her partners are human. Someone had to teach her how not to injure them and it never occurred to her relatives. Azzie and Pyrite never had the problem and while Calcite's self control kept him from injuring his human partners it never occurred to him that his sister was in the same boat. Idiot kept thinking of her as the sweet and innocent kid he watched over and didn't notice she'd grown up. So I taught her a few things." That creates a few interesting mental pictures. "What exactly did you teach her ..." "Get your mind out of the gutter! She got theoretical instruction not practical demos. Don't ever suggest otherwise!" Hmmm, definitely a little twitchy about Titanite. Still Polaris is her major defender so she can't get stories circulating that might alienate Titanite. Not after all this time conning her into thinking she's got a heart of gold. "Okay so you've got some mental switch that keeps you from injuring a weaker lover. I take it you didn't have to worry about this with Calcite." "Right. No more than he has to worry about Minako. Or vice versa." "So you've been stuck leaving the switch on for centuries which must be aggravating. So last night you finally hit your limit, got fed up and switched it off. End result was you turned that poor slob into ..." "Dammit, I didn't! I've been framed. Someone used me to kill him!" "How's that?" "Someone shut down the suppressor. Maybe a psychic, maybe they used magic but they did it. They wanted to get rid of [client name] and turned me into their murder weapon." "Interesting theory. So why not go to Rei and have her read your mind. That would establish you're innocent ... relatively speaking." She shakes her head. "Two problems. That'll only prove I believe that's what happened. If I've gone loopy then my sense of reality is gone and my memories can't be trusted. Besides I really don't want her in my head again." "Could mean life or death." "Yeah but not in the way you mean. That's the other problem. The reading would have to be done at a public inquest. Publicity is the last thing I need! Even if I get found innocent it's the charge that'll be remembered. How many clients am I going to get if rumours start that I might kill them? This could ruin me. I'm not ready to start getting old!" She's getting a little hysterical but stops and takes a deep breath. When she resumes she's under control again. "Now, if I can prove I was manipulated and produce the real killer then this need not come to trial. I've got enough connections to get this quietly swept under the rug, same as that Adamite mess." "That what?" "Before your time and not important. That's where you come in." "Why not tell your story to the police." "Because I have zero proof and can't trust them to investigate seriously. On the other hand you owe me quite a bit which should motivate you." I have to smile. "Except that if you get Flame Snipered ..." "... All your IOUs pass to Ti according to my will." She's smiling but I'm not anymore. I really don't want to be in debt to Titanite. She'd love an excuse to ruin me! Aren't they supposed to forgive and forget? "I get the point. Okay so if I find the killer ..." "I'll cancel all your debts for the 28th century." "I was thinking more like all of them." I owe her quite a bit from when they brought me back plus a few favours this century. "Not a chance." I study her and realize she's not bluffing. Her life's on the line and she's not going to give and inch. Hell of a dame. Makes me wish I was still flesh and blood. "You're a real hardcase, lady." "Takes one to know one, Maggie." "However that crack just cost you another 25 years. Take it or leave it." She glares at me before muttering, "Fine, solve this and we're clear 2700 to 2825." I figure that's the best I'm going to get so I tell her, "Congratulations, you just hired the best PI in Crystal Tokyo." "I just hired the only PI in Crystal Tokyo." "Details. Now I'll just revise my contract, you can sign it and I'll get to work. While I'm doing that you can tell me about the late Mr [client name]." Time to get my brain in gear. So far I'd say there are three possibilities. First, Margrave slipped up and is either trying to set up a good story or has supressed the memory. Second, she's telling the truth and someone had it in for [client name]. Or, something that hasn't occurred to her yet, she's the real target and [client name] is just the innocent bystander. She's made to rip the guy apart and the senshi fry her for it. Margrave is dead, the killer has what they wanted and no one is any the wiser. Question is who hates her that much ... apart from a lot of jealous wives and girlfriends. Could be trickier than I thought. Whoever did it I'd better find an answer fast. The clock is ticking.

In order of entry here's the complete list of contenders:
Austin G. Loomis
Austin, a longtime SME commentator and the leader in suggesting SME voice actors, was first to throw his hat into the ring. On Feb. 2 '98 he mentioned he was working on a story featuring a new character named Albite (who he'd like voiced by Nakao Ryuusei). The first draft of "The Catgirl Caper" is now available and Austin would appreciate any and all feedback about it. Click here forThe Catgirl Caper - Last updated June 14 '99

Craig A.Reed Jr aka TrboTurtle
On Feb 27. '98 Craig made a surprise entry. Without warning he weighed in with 70-80% or so of "Case of the Murdered Millionaire or Case of the Maligned Margrave". I sent it back with a few corrections hoping I wasn't terminally discouraging him. Evidentally I didn't as he's just got back to me with the completed story making him the first to finish a story. Take a look and drop him a line. As to what it's about? All I'll say is Magnesite is forced into another unwanted alliance to save Margrave's life and reputation.
Case of the Murdered Millionaire - Revised and proofread completed story added April 17 '98
As Craig's the only one to complete his story and because he's now a member of SME this story has been added to the SME page.

A.G. Lyman
Alexander is our third contender as of March 4. His story brings in a new character and is still in the early stages but the draft is available. Here's the story so far The Frameup - last updated Oct. 4 '98
Alex has announced his withdrawal from the contest as of December 1999

Bill Harris
A last minute entry Bill arrived just before the deadline. Story title and details are still to be announced later. If this is still an active entry remains to be seen. As there has been no update or contact in over a year it seems unlikely

David Johnston
The prodigal returns! Past the deadline but as he inspired the contest David gets to be an exception to the rules. This piece doesn't have a title and he doesn't know if he'll continue it. Take a look and if you like it mail him and tell him to keep going.Helen of Troy

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