MoRe pIcS!!

these pics were taken from Janet's page Thanks!! =)

Look it's Fyne Arts singing "Endlessly" !! *^_^* (
it's Tom, Mike, Jack, Neil, and Kevin

this is the girls/guys modern to "All 4 U" (
from L to R in the front it's Christine and Allan, Janet and Kevin, Allison and Edward
from L to R in the back it's Me and Mike, Cristina and Tom

we're all supposed to look like Janet and Kevin (front and center)
but doesn't it look like Allan is pushing Christine? =)

uhh...i don't really know how to do that arm thing heheh
and i completely covered Mike heh oops...=p sorry 'bout that

it's ALL for U!! yay we're all together =)

this is the end of the show (, after the Grease portion
where everyone is just singing without the music "we'll always be together" hehe

this is at the mixer (after
this is Grace, Meeh, Arlene, Luanne, Janet, and Cristina...oh and Kevin in the background =)

this is outside the cheesecake factory at the inner harbor for Allan's Birthday!
Top -> L to R: Laurice, Neil, Brian, Kevin, Dustin, Allan, Dan, Tom, Sal
Bottom -> L to R: Oliver, Luanne, Grace, Janet, Me, Crystey, Christine, Edward, Joanna, and Gil

This is after the last Fasa mtg of the 2000-2001's wife beater/khaki day!
Top (l to r): Kevin, Allan, Edward, Larry, Brian, Mike T., Dan, and Gil
Middle (l to r): Joanna, Crystey, Grace, Faye, Janet, and Dustin
Bottom (l to r): Luanne, Laura, Meeh, Arlene, Christine, Michelle, and Oliver

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