TRUE LOVE (article by Ben Rosamond, 8/7/97)

      You want to know what real love is?  Its very simple.  
Love is caring more about her happiness than your own.  It comes
to you in quiet dreams at night but it speaks to your heart with
a voice louder than thunder. There is no way to ignore it so if 
you are truly in  love, you will know it.  It screams at every 
fiber of your being so you feel you would die if you were 
separated any longer.  There are no games in true love. No 
attempts at invoking jealousy are made.  
       Love is pure and honest and true.  It doesn't attempt to 
deceive them with false visions. Love sees beyond all pretense 
and it is beyond all pretense for if you truly love someone you 
want them to love you for who you are, not what you say you are.  
True love requires your own acceptance of who you are, because if
you don't love yourself, how could she ever love you?  
       Love is blind.  It is blind to race, creed, color, height, 
weight, size, and intelligence.  It sees beyond all that to your 
true self.  And finally love is blind to your pain.  It watches 
you suffer in silence for years, it plays with your emotions, 
giving you a chance, then showing it was never really there.  If
love is not blind to your pain, then love is evil and I myself 
hope with all my heart that in the end I'll find that the former
is true, and that the latter is just my imagination.

Ben Rosamond
visit him here