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(18+) Toko-ya, an awesome doujin artist!~ T-T Best unofficial
"Breath of Fire" artwork I've EVER seen. ;_; He does doujinshi
of a number of different series too. -A very talented artist
who is able to adapt to numerous different styles.

Haradaya, the artist famed for numerous popular Nippon Ichi games
such as Disgaea and Phantom Brave.

Gaio, the artist behind the Rockman Zero and Rockman ZX series'.

Hitoshi Ariga, one of the best Rockman manga artists EVER! XD
His books are based on the Rockman universe, but he adds unique
personalities to each character and a depth to his touching
stories that many Rockman artists tend to not.

A guy who works in the game industry, but apparently makes games,
draws, and animates sprites (VERY NICELY XD) on his free time. I
think his games, sprites, and ideas are creative and charming. ^.^