L.W.O. Unoffical Web Site


Latino World Order

This is for la Raza....LWO 4 life ese!!!

Orale se vato, Eddy is back but only fer apperances.. I hope in 2 months or so Eddy will be back hearing the idiots chant "Eddy Sucks ".... Personally I think he rules in the ring and is matched only by a talented few. Either way no one can compare to El Gringo Loco :)

In other news,

Konnan and Rey Mysterio Jr.

are back to the Rap wars with some no names again. I mean comon, Kirt Henning is not a main eventer anymore and who the hell is the other guy with him. Oh well, I still think the hispanic populous was better off with the LWO in the saddle. Im Angel and Im sticking to my story June'99 Angel

Latinos forever ese.

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