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Linda sings again!!!
Linda's latest song (name not sure)
ATV series "I have a meeting with the vampire" theme song

Shift-Click on the link to download (You will need Realplayer or Realplayer G2 to play them)
Audio clip - 1:41 minutes, 531 KB (half the song)
Video clip - This song's MTV (partial), by ATV  1 minute only (Sorry I couldn't stuff the tape into the VCR fast enough!! I did my best when I heard it in the kitchen while washing dishes! - 1.94 MB
ªF ¤è ¤§ ¯] - One of Linda's latest TV appearance (6/12/98) 1:38 minutes, 3.13 MB

Welcome to my Linda Wong page!  This page is now officially opened.  This is also my first ever homepage, which will be updated frequently.  Most of the pages are basically completed and are updated or expanded over time.

    This page is made dedicated to my favourite idol Linda - a famous pop singer in Hong Kong and Taiwan.  She has gone through ups and downs in her career, which began in 1993, where her debut album and song  §O°Ý§Ú¬O½Ö  ("Don''t ask me who I am") gathered her first group of fans and media attention.  That was when I know her - a beautiful girl with a soft, tender voice which started to drive me crazy.

    This page is my tribute to her, as a kind of support and to reflect the events and changes happened in her career so far.   Also it gives other fans of Linda another look at her beauty.
Well if have never heard of Linda before, then you cannot afford to miss this chance to know her!!

    More info about Linda will be added into the page, together with regular updates in the image gallery, news, links, album reviews, Linda's films, and also my personal info as well.  Bookmark this page and wait for future updates in a very short period of time!!


Linda's Profile

Linda's Discography

Linda's newspaper collection

Linda's gallery

Linda's Filmography


Cards Collection!

Linda's Advertisements

Linda's Songs

My Info!

My friends - links

Links to other Linda Wong Pages

 Before you leave, remember to sign my guestbook!  I would like to know you and your comments!!

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Background Music §Ñ ¼~ ¯ó  - my favourite cantonese song by Linda

My lovely yet crappy banner!!
Please come and visit this page again!!

Last updated 19-11-1998
Officially opened on 5-8-1997
First created on 17-7-1997
Martin Leung

NOTE : This page is designed for a screen resolution of 800X600 or higher, best viewed with Netscape 3.01 or higher and with a maximised window

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If you have any comments or suggestions please email me!



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