Smile! You are theto visit my page :o)

Hello, everyone!! Welcome to my homepage.
I'm sorry, I've decided to stop updating my page. It's been a while anyway and I thought it was only fair to put up a notice. Just in case a few people run across this page in the future, I'll leave it up. It's a sad thing for me to do, but I really have no time to put into updating a webpage anymore...and you know, I've almost forgotten all of my html stuff!! =) Anyway, the time I had doing this page is so special to me. Thanks for everything!!
Most of you know me as Elina or 'Ishop247' so the name 'Asianchic' will look odd to you, but it's just me :o) I wanted another name when I signed up with Geocities, so 'Asianchic' it was. (Gee, I'm really creative, huh?) Well, at first, I wanted to make this page just to see if I could do it (heehee) but then I started to really enjoy making it. In here I will share with you my loves, my interests, and me (of course, not EVERYTHING about me! =D). By the way, thanks to my friend Pat for helping me with my page..a link to her page is in my links page =)

My loves...

All About Me..


This page is always under construction!

The song you hear in the background is my one and only...Leon <3

Remember that this page will always be under construction!! Please e-mail me with comments, suggestions, and/or questions...
E-mail me!!

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