medusa's anime
Ah! Megami-Sama(Ah! My Goddess)
Ranma 1/2

medusa's web
welcome to the spider's domain

Pika20's Christian Relief Office
BambooStar's Anime
Vampire Princess Miyu

Last update: January 18, 2001
(updated - gave the AMG pages a make-over.. go check it out! More Ranma 1/2 pics coming up!)

Welcome to medusa's anime page! This page is devoted to Japanese anime ^_^ ... i haven't included too many series, but i plan to add many more in the future! Medusa's anime is undergoing major renovations right now, so check back later because i plan to update as often as i can ^_^ see ya soon!

uh oh! You found something wrong with my page? mail me!

peoples have visited my Anime Page since November 23, 2000

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