The Mariah Survey

Take the Goddess Survey! Vote for you favorite Mariah song/album/concert/video.

Read the note at the bottom before sending!! Send your votes only ONCE!!!

Favorite Album
Mariah Carey
MTV Unplugged EP
Music Box
Merry Christmas
Other (include description):

(Don't hit return)

Favorite Single
(Include album name)
(Don't hit return)

Favorite Song

(*NOT* a commercially released MC single; can be a B-SIDE, single from a collaboration with another artist, or an unreleased MC album song)

(Include where the song came from. If it is a b-side, state the single.)

(Don't hit return)

Favorite Concert/ TV Appearance/ Home Video
(Include description)

(Don't hit return)

Favorite Video

(Don't hit return)

NOTE: You don't have to fill out everything on this survey. Vote for the categories you wish to vote for, and leave the others blank.

Please submit votes ONCE and vote for a song only ONCE! It gets annoying when I get 5 of the same votes from the same person.

Submit only ONE song per category!

There's been a lot of confusion about the singles and songs. The singles are songs that have been commercially released as singles, so remixes, songs featured in videos, and collaborations with other artists that were sold as singles are all fair game. The 'songs' category includes commercially unreleased songs (the songs on the albums that DIDN'T sell separately as singles) and B-sides (songs only available on singles or other sources). If you happen to submit a song that was released as a single under the 'songs' category, it will be disregarded. As a general rule, songs submitted twice, songs that belong in the same category, will be disregarded and the only the first vote will be considered. (i.e. If you submit Honey and Butterfly as your favorite 'single' and 'song', only Honey will be counted as a single and Butterfly will not be counted at all, since it is a single. Only the first one will be counted.)

Know that whether your votes will be considered singles or 'songs' is up to me. Generally, I follow the U.S. standards. I know that in different countries, different songs are sold as singles, but like I said, I follow what goes on in the U.S.

If you have questions about your votes or anything else, just email me at

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