Let's start at the beginning. Lane Technical High School
is made up of numerous ethnicities. Around the late 1970's
some students from the high school had a great idea. They thought
why not have a festival where everyone can get together and be
proud of their heritage. So that's what they did.
Well, if you want the real History of the Hawaiian Club.......let's start in the mid 80's. That is when the club first began. Through helpful e-mails, I've found out some of the beginning. It didn't start out as a Jock and Cheerleader club but and alternative club to the other popular clubs. What that means is that the jocks and cheerleaders would use that club as an excuse to be on International Days and miss 2 days of class. The Hawaiian Club was first sponsored by Mr. Juengling. Well, in the year 1993 was the end for the jocks and cheerleaders. They ruined the whole point of International Days and had a little fun of there own before International Days. When they came to Gym I where we have the fest, they were drunk and made a bad name for Hawaiian Club and International Days.
Two years later, two Lane Tech
students restarted Hawaiian Club.
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