boomerang - during
her first appearance in the manga, the crescent boomerang instantly
shot up into the air cutting zoicite into pieces, thus killing
him. this very powerful weapon is in the shape of a crescent moon.
beam -
she used this attack even before and its damage is also stronger
for, during the times when she was sailorv, she used this to
actually kill youmas.
slender beam -
it seems that this is another version, obviously, of the crescent
beam. this attack can be faster than crescent beam though.
kick -
a powerful kick care of sailorvenus! ^_^ she seemed to have
strong legs which she uses to jump and kick around with.
love-me chain - it
was shown in the manga to have been wrapped around her waist.
it had the same function as that of the one of a very powerful
whip. she used this most of the time and, unlike in the anime,
it was shown to be very very powerful and can do more damage
than that of the anime chain.
chain sword - although
the sword belonged to all of them, it was shown that it was
often used by sailorvenus. it played a very important role for
it was used by sailorvenus to kill queen beryl.
heart vibration - this seems like the manga version of
love and beauty shock, but like all the others, the damage seems
to be greater and appeared in the first parts of the manga.