The Board

After many late nights and silent screams of sheer and utter frustration, here is (hopefully)the new board!
Please feel free to post often, k? Thanks!

(Oh, and don't be concerned if you don't see your post immediately after sending it, because the Geocities Server might take a while to update it. Either that, or try hitting the "Reload" button when you get back to The Board.)

Thanks, Greg (The Management)

Diana and Amanda - 06/18/99 21:56:36
My Email:how many times do I have to write it???

Hey Greg, me and my friend were bored, and we went to your page. And WHY are you saying swear words? That isn't appropriate for young readers like us. And we know, you will succeed in music. NEWAYZ...we love you. hehe :-) Talk to you soon! <3 always, Diana and Amanda

G - 05/15/99 15:50:07
My Email:you all know it already

Well, its G again. Its been a while since i last wrote on the board, but whatever. i'm bummed. last night was our awards banquet for Symphonic Band, and i got passed over. for all of them. five years i've been in that damn band. i stepped up and pra tically SAVED two concerts, the first my sophomore year (when i moved up to 1st chair after our then 1st got kicked out the day of a concert), and the second last semester, when the band was practically lost until i started blasting on my solo. bu thats ok. evidently i wasn't judged good enough for an award. fine. its back to the way its always been then, me against them. well, fuck them. i WILL succeed in music, no matter what anyone thinks. and yes i'm mad. deal with it. G

Amanda - 05/14/99 22:13:12

Greg, why is this so slow??? I am still trying to get into something on your Fun page... Anyways, talk to you on iM <3 always, Amanda

akiko - 10/23/98 05:17:47

wow greg! you know, it's said that you post more comments on your board then anyone else! And i know this, because... I'm stalking you! yeah, ok... have fun you little asian-looking boy! love, your fabulous stalker

kayoko - 10/07/98 19:23:48

My goodness, I finally got Gregory's I'll be able to send you some pictures! And Neal honey, if you're reading this, I'm really sorry but I haven't sent yours out yet!! It's taking me awhile to get to the post office. School is busy and I m just too much of a partyer to spend my free time wisely. Actually, I HAVE no free time. Did I tell you guys that I'm the social rep for the Japanese club here? Yup. We're having a huge semi formal in the winter for valentines day...can't wait to mix and mingle with the kids from the rising sun! He he he. Ebl was cool - let's all go somewhere soon again! Karen:)

Grrrrrreeeeeggggg - 09/30/98 03:06:37

hey everybody! yes, its been a while, but whatever, just deal with it...hahahah anyways, manja, i do believe that "me" was neal, but i'm not positive. sounds kinda like him , though, right? anyways, how many of you are on icq anyways? i STILL don't h ve phone service. they activated my line today, but apparently i need to get some other part activated too. what a pain.
anyways, i have a test tomorrow at noon, but tonight is swing night at one of the local bars, so of course off i go! don't worry though, the class is easy, and i'll study tomorrow morning. regardless, off i go. cya later! g

who? - 09/24/98 14:32:03
My Email:are

uh, who's me? i mean, i know who I am, but is me nugget? =9 i'm a tassle confused...anyways, sorry it's been a while folks but life at wells is absolutely here, party there, meetings everywhere...but it's fun i guess. last night was our cla s's 99 days til 1999 party -- we thought it was going to be lameass and were only going to stay for like 20 minutes, but it turned out to be really fun, even for this non-party-girl...=9 okay, back to y'all! manjamania

it's me - 09/10/98 07:32:50

hey all, it's me sending out some love over the information highway. i am tired. no joke. been talking to all these people. i need to sleep. but my love for you all just keeps me going. likewise, i too had a fabulous time at ebl. it was great seeing old and new friends there. dharma is fun. well, to bed i go. just dropping a line to express my affections. so i am sure i will talk to you guys later. oh, and i wouldn't mind getting some copies of your pics either. i didn't get to take that many.

GregGregGregGregGreg - 09/08/98 21:37:56
My Email:sunshine@dark.stormy.night

hey everyone! yes, i STILL don't have a phone number, but when i get it i may post it on the board like my dumb idiot sister (uh, hey smab? this board unfortunately is not PRIVATE...) but not like random people are showing up anyways, right? :-)

so yes, ebl was a blast, it was great seeing everyone again, and renewing and starting new friendships. hope all you merry readers and checkers of the board all had fun too. and yes, kara, yo mama took tons of pics. my goodness.

which brings me to my next request. since i was a big dork and didn't take any pictures (i don't know exactly why),


if you send me copies of pics, i will post them on a picture page for every one to see, K? so send em here! oh yeah, my address is:

505 E. Healey #331
Champaign, IL 61820

ok, guys, time to empty my super full mailbox, so i gotta go. miss ya all! love greg

stuckathome - 09/08/98 02:15:04
My Email:i.hate@revenue.standbys

i'm still at home. missing tower court of my senior sad how sad...=( talk to you all later -- loved seeing y'all at ebl, but let's keep in touch this time, eh? kara -- we missed your smile! =( but your mama took tons of pics for you...luv, aya

manja - 09/03/98 15:29:13

hey now greg, are mom and dad reading this page? cause you KNOW they're not supposed to hear about the two carloads of marines...that's just a little secret between the party-goers, the party thrower, and kodak, now then, hear? i convince mom that she already saw that pack of pics so she didn't need to look through them...=9 anyways, bro, mom and dad are seriously going to kill you if you don't freakin' call them soon. and kara, yes, girl, we definitely have to talk...hawaii was fun, di ferent than i expected and more beautiful than i remembered, and i'm definitely going back again in june. anyone else want to come? it'll be a blast...but now i'm back at wellesley for another fun-filled year...asu is already kicking my ass, can i just ell you...allrighty boys and girls, i'll see most of you in a couple of days, and kara girl -- call me sometime or E-MAIL DAMMIT!! =9 to y'all lates...luv, manjamanjamanja MAHB

masterG - 08/31/98 17:10:19

hey everybody! sorry its taken so long to repost, but as some of you know, i'm in the process of moving to a new apartment! i still don't have a phone yet, so can't give you the number, but the location is alright. anyways, kara, congrats on finishing the mcat! hopefully you did well enough so that you'll avoid living on the streets with me! hahahaha after all, my cardboard box won't be THAT big...
as for my lame ass george michael attempting smab, whatever. Two carloads of marines, is all i will say.
as for brian, keep working out, so you won't be a puny man, and then maybe maya will stop beating you up...hahaha
ok, enough chitchat with you people, time to go and practice or something. oh, for those of you who are interested, last week i weighed 136, which is the most i've ever weighed, but i lost 8 pounds in a week, and am now down to 128! hopefully i'll be do n to 120-125 soon enough.
until then, campers, keep on keepin' on, and i'll see most of you (kara you dork) at EBL!


mcat - 08/18/98 06:54:57
My Email:free@stanford

woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the mcat is over! yeah baby! now that i don't have to study, life is good! =) so what's everyone up to? maya, babe, FILL ME IN!!!! i'm dying to know what "stories" you have for me! we definitely need to talk! bri and greg, hop you boys are keeping out of trouble. neal will be out here with me at the end of this month before the ebl. i sure wish i could be there for that. i miss you all so much!

keep the faith? - 08/11/98 03:14:30

cause i gotta have the fai-ah-fai-ah-faith, i gotta have, fai-uth...hee hee just tryin' to "keep the faith"...yes, manja is back for her yearly check of the board. thank you for that lovely birthday posting for mwoi, mab that i am. hey, have you all see lethal weapon 4? i thought it would be lame, but chad convinced me to go see it and it's pretty damn funny: "you like flied lice?" "it's FRIED RICE you plick!" hee hee hee i love that line...anyways, kara girl, we have some STORIES to discuss my friend...oh yes. i'll leave it at that...and greg, you're just sad. just cause you didn't have potty-boy following you around that night, don't get all offended. next time i'll know to sic them on you...oh, and you're little "GdaMan" -- at first i thought it was "gotta man" and i was like, who-ah! not that there's anything wrong with that. but then you'd really fit the arts-major type, eh? hee hee okay time to go to bed. boy, everyone should check out my asian avenue homepage. it's pretty "rad"'s pretty much what it looks like: *manja yup, that's about it. oops bed time

Gregorina - 07/30/98 18:49:31

hey everybody! geez, don't load the board, and then when i finally do, not one but TWO people have written! course, who the hell is fish person? i'm so confused...
anyways, kara, thanks for FINALLY checking the board! hahaha and don't worry, i'm sure you'll do fine on the mcats, and as for partying hard...well, that's a site i'd like to see...remember, just because you're in the same room as someone who once HAD a sip of beer doesn't turn you into a party animal! hee hee hee
anyway fellow campers, i gotta go and still try and find a decent job to pay off the bills. keep the faith, greg

kara - 07/24/98 20:14:59

yo greg! sorry i haven't posted for a while, but hey, i'm a busy gal! :) i've been doing a lot of studying for the mcat and working in lab, etc. oh the fun, the's nice being out in cal, but i haven't really had much time to enjoy it. but afte the mcat, it's party time! too bad, i'll be missing ebl. it would be great to be with everybody again. maya--what's up with you? haven't heard from you in a while. so, any new men i should know about? bri--what's up with us being in the same area f nally and not seeing eachother at all??????? we seriously need to do something before you go back east! hope everyone is doing well. love, kara

fish in a basket - 07/23/98 19:26:51

message message message... bored bored bored... blah blah blah. need modem... need modem... need modem... need modem... need modem... need modem... need modem...

The G Man - 07/15/98 01:16:32

hey everybody! yeah, its been a while, but just had to make a public statement:




Yes, thats right: today is manja's 21st birthday! so, feel free to email her and tell her happy birthday! hahaha

lets see, aside from that, not much else is goin' on. just tryin' to struggle through summer school. McDonalds has 39cent cheesburgers on sundays, so last sunday i went and ordered 15. yes, 15. i just had the last two tonight for dinner. the cost for 2+days of food? a mere $6.48!! pretty good, eh? wednesdays is 29cent hamburgers, but i think i'll have to pass on these this time. anyways, they're quite long lasting. you can even microwave them for like 35-40 seconds, and they're good as new! yum um yum!
anyways, once again everyone has chosen to ignore my board, or are not posting. you all must be scared of me, right? :-) i mean, with my huge rippling muscles and towering height. hahaha SOME ONE POST!!!!!!

manja is a birthday mab, greg

- 06/16/98 05:48:12


BULLS WIN!!!!!!!!!!

heh heh heh...whats up you all?? hope everything is well in the land of whereever you all are. i have my first edpsych class of the summer tomorrow, so i gotta go to bed pretty soon. i'm really not looking forward to it, but oh well. just gotta suck i up and take care of business, i suppose...
ok, lets see...went home last weekend, and it was really fun going clubbing with everyone. i just have one question:



i mean, not that i'm gay, b/c i'm not, (not that there's anything wrong with that...), but am i not a pretty good looking guy? do i not have a pretty decent body?? i mean, i workout, and i try to stay in shape. sheesh. :-) lets see, aside from that, not much else. its kinda good to be back in the land of corn. had my first UI summer band rehearsal, and it felt really good to be playing again. i guess that really is when i feel the most comfortable... ok, enough blabbering. manja manja manja manja manja!!!! where the hell are you? when are you gonna finish your webpage?? its uglier than that guy that kept following you that night! (but at least it doesn't smell like a used porta-potty) brian! wh re are you? are you cowed into submission by my mightiness?? are you just embarrassed b/c of your terrible shooting that day?? heh heh heh karabear!!! POST SOMETHING!!! i don't care! just post anything!!! hahahaha oh for everybody that doesn't have ic , GET IT!!! go to and download the software! its really really REALLY cool! anyways, its getting late, my contacts are starting to hurt, so its time to sign off. bye for now, GdaMan

ha - 06/08/98 22:10:59

hee hee whatever intimidated inschmimidated. uh, yeah. anyways, uh, nice new links page. and what's up with the new hi-i-like-puke-green..=9 the navy blue was much better. yo, way to forget someone's 25th anniversary. yup. good goin'. okay, gotta o hands are shaking from the fear of my intimidation.

Rock on, BULLS!!!! - 06/08/98 05:02:06

Hey everybody! long no hear, from some of you! (hint hint hint). anyways, BULLS WIN BY 42 POINTS!!!! yahoo!!! and aside from that, last week was the last week of political science class! it was quite easy for the masterG. I got a 92% and a 96% on the two regular exams, and a 97% on the final! not bad for a)studying at most 20 minutes before each exam, and b)not having to spend $40 for the textbook. Can I bring it home or what?! lets see, aside from that, not much else goin' on down here. just tryi g to stay focused on practicing in case by some act of god i make the callbacks for the Army and Air Force band auditions. since i'm a long shot, i'm not holding my breath, but still, you never know, right? after all, to paraphrase Illinois' Lottery mot o, "Someone's gotta win...might as well be (me)." hahaha. anyways, that's about it for the Gman. played some ball today, so i got a good workout. maya, kara, brian, WHERE ARE YOU GUYS?? are you that intimidated by mwoi? hahahaha later,greg

Greg the Lion Hearted - 05/27/98 14:22:26

hey everybody! G man is back!!!! (pause for thunderous cheering, applause, etc.) hahaha ok, manja, that was quite the too much information about bananas...damn, i don't think i'll ever look at 'em the same way again...anyways, for those of you that a e reading and following the sad life of G (No)Money the Lion Hearted (White Lion), i am currently in summer school, taking political science at the nearby community college. actually, its not that near. see, a friend of mine usually gives me a ride. ho ever, today i was late, and by the time i got to the meeting spot, i was like only 50 goddamn feet away, and the fuckin' idiot DROVE OFF!!! HOW LAME IS THAT??!! anyways, it now appears that i'm gonna be missing class tod y, so i'm posting on the board, calling for jobs, and i still gotta warm up. oh, see Godzilla! i loved it. i saw it monday, when i won free tickets for a local radio promotion. see, the deal was, this guy would be at some random location in town, dres ed as godzilla, and so the first guy to hug him won 4 free tix, a soundtrack, and a tshirt. anyways, me and the guy who gives me rides drove over town one morning, (yes, we were late for class, but for free tix it was worth it), until they announced it, nd then we hauled ass over there, stopped the car in the middle of a busy 4 lane road, where i jumped out, dodged two cars, and ran across traffic to hug godzilla. it was well worth it, i can assure you...:-) anyways, after seeing the movie, me and some fraternity guys (who came with) went to this sports bar (like an adult chuckie cheeses, with games, pool, and you can drink), and we all got hammered and played pool. it was tres fun, and it was a great way to begin my bday celebration, since we were the e until 1. (all champaign bars close at like 1, because champaign, IL is a hole.) anyways, the next night, MY BIRTHDAY, hahahah, we went to another bar that is our fraternity's favorite, and i ate 50 chicken wings. was very good. 20 cent wing night ro ks!!! ok, thats about all that goin' on right now. my room is a sty, so i'm cleaning today. after calling for jobs and pracicing. if you don't like my long email, just email me and tell me at /A>, ok? later, yo mommas! g

bananas make me constipated - 05/27/98 04:44:13
My Email:

yo banana boy -- like that? you cause me constipation hee hee hee...anyways, nice post. yup. took me a while to figure out who fj is, but now i've been enlightened. or according to the big b, i've always been enlightened, but now i've realized my enli htenment. gogogo dharma award...

G Monaaay!!! - 05/11/98 20:34:31

Hey everybody!! Ok, its been quite a while since I've posted anything, but classes have been hellish. For those of you who don't know, I'm under a lot of pressure to show vast improvement on my grades this semester, or else I might not be allowed to stud nt teach. So, my focus has been largely on grades and practicing, and unfortunately less on keeping the board and this website up to date. However, today was my East Asian Lit final, and tomorrow is my jury, and then I'm done!!! Yahoo!! Now, I c n look forward to a summer of working, practicing, and playing basketball/working out. I can't wait! Oh yeah, some other news: This summer are two auditions for military bands, both DC bands! Air Force, and Army. The tape is due June 1 for the army, nd the airforce audition is tenatively scheduled for June 24th, although it'll probably be moved. Anyways, my focus now is practicing 6 hours a day in preparation for these two auditions. I'm a long shot, but hopefully I'll play my best and we'll see wh t happens from there. Ok, thats about all that up in my life. I'm still single (and I will stay that way until I win an audition), but my basketball game has improved, and I only want to kill fj 5 -6 times a day, as opposed to 8-9 times as before. I mu t be getting more mellow...:-) ok, so, here's my post. for those of you who have been faithfully chekcing the board and this site, thank you for your patience and continued support, and for those of you who haven't...ah, what the hell, you're probably n t reading this anyways. Post on, fellow soldiers!! hee hee Banana Boy G

freak - 04/11/98 20:12:55

hee hee hee oops that's supposed to say greg is "a" (that's the @ symbol gee i'm clever) poopie. hee hee hee. just popping in on the board, but no one ever checks it anymore. that's all.

ichiban - 03/03/98 15:52:22

i have nothing to say, but just to make you happy i'm posting -- i LOVE japanese music!!!! let's KA-RA-O-KE! hee hee hee

red lion - 02/24/98 07:27:18

hey everybody! thought since activity is a little slow right now, i'd update you all on my life. basically, the newest thing is i died my hair for those of you that haven't heard. see, my hair right now is long on top and kind of shaved/undercut on the sides and back. anyways, the long part is now colored auburn red kind of. its looks like after you've been in the sun a long time. pretty natural. actually looks pretty damn good. :-) anyways, aside from doing a buttload of reading, not much else is oin on...kara, is it my turn to write? oh yeah, we're 2nd in the big ten right now! GO ILLINI! BEAT THE HOOSIERS!!! we rock! i'm poor. i have no money. i have red hair. c-ya later! greg

- 02/15/98 23:25:49


vietnamese mahb - 02/13/98 22:17:25

hi boys and's been a while since manja posted on the board, yes, i know, so let me catch up on all the comment-ohs...greg, you don't have to be the only one posting on the board to look like a loser hahahaha kara babe -- to get the men, all you need is my damn ghetto bootie, how many times do i have to stress this? besides, the parties here fairly suck, but not as much as snoring dumbass losers sitting in front of you while you watch titanic. but we don't need to talk about that. nugs, how ya doin' buddy boy...promise to write soon, and oh, i got those law firm letters out today woowoo...neal, are you even alive? where the hell are you? did you find out about jet yet? hey that rhymed...anyways, moving on...eugenie weenie, e-mail. try it som time. =9 okay, that's it for now...just worked out so i think i should go shower instead of smelling up the computer room...i tried using the body spray but damn, i think zest may be the only answer here. =9 love y'all and happy valentine's day! luv, mahb

kara motonaga - 02/13/98 13:27:13

geez greg, you can't even get a one-pager right! what are they teachig you at illinois? :-) i'm looking forward to this weekend. it's so nice to have a three day weekend finally. unfortunately, it will be spent catching up on reading and going crazy with taiko. our big concert is in less than a month! yikes!

Greg - 02/13/98 06:04:41

hey everybody! geez, my first required writing assignment of the whole semester!! its a one page essay for my east asian lit class...the thing is, i don't even know what the topic is, b/c its posted on the class web page, and it keeps telling me don't have access to it! NO SHIT!!! anyways, i emailed my ta and complained, so maybe i'll get an extension...hahaha ok, enough writing. see kara, i actually have studies to do, so there! anyways, i love tomomi kahala! Go tell it on the mount in, greg

kara motonaga - 02/11/98 09:55:13

yeah, yeah, yeah. okay, bro, i'm posting on your stinking board. and yes, they do teach us how to type here at stanford. (well...occassionally at least) some of us do have midterms you know. but i just got done with mine, so life is good. don't you e er write back with real email? and stop sending those damn forwards! maya--meet any special hotties yet? i think you've managed to meet more guys and go to more parties in your short time at amherst than i have all year at stanford! how do you do it? show me your ways!!!! :) bri--get back to work! neal--get some sleep! janet--where are you? eugene--miss ya! k

me again - 02/03/98 23:30:10

hey everybody. one more thing, leslie, about my name as tomomi kahala (replacing the venerable (not venereal) Fiona Apple, well, what can i say. TOMOMI ROCKS!! heh heh heh actually, just found out last week that she's a coke head, and also an apparently bitchy personality to her staff and things...apparently treats them like shit. which really sucks, almost enough to change the name, but...:-) oh yeah, and kARA, WHERE ARE YOU? Do they not teach typing at stanford? i mean, i KNOW you don't have a life, so it couldn't be that...hahaha jk:-) let my people go, greg

DA MAN - 02/03/98 23:21:13
My Email:PSST_yoquero@taco.bell

hey every one! neal, i went to that icq site, but the damn thing is so slow i'm still loading in a page as we speak. anyways, for those of you who don't know, Tomomi Kahala is a really famous (and really really REALLY HOT) Japanese pop singer. she used to be a model, but now she's a singer. she's currently dating a 37-year old, her producer (like mariah carey type thing). anyways, her music is really cool, if you go for that sort of thing. anyways, back to waiting for that freakin icq site. greg

no one to be trifled with. and that's all you ever need know. - 02/03/98 05:22:26

geez greg. what? you figure if you sound pitiful enough people will start writing? just kiddin'. oh, actually, i should postpone that "just kiddin'" 'till i say, what's it with the pitiful Tomomi Kahala thing anyway? heh heh heh... Florin is good. The eels are starting to take up voice lessons and by the time the summer solstice rolls around, i think they'll be in a good shape to sing the national anthem at the anticipated opening of the Gilder Circus. Anyway, time to go write 2 p pers and study for a midterm. take care...and hey, always look on the bright side of life...

gmaster - 02/01/98 04:33:10
My Email:i_love@tomomi.kahala

hey everybody! not much happening in illinois right now...we beat penn state today, which rocked, and i had 4 points and 1 assist in a pickup game tonight as well...must be the shoes...:-) also hit the weight room, my strength is up!! YAHOO!!! hopefull by this summer i'll be where i want to be. anyways, where are you guys? why don't you bookmark the board?? huh?? i mean, since you all check it so frequently and all, and since i'm so popular with all you guys. hahahajk anyways, its not that cold here in urbana, i'm flat broke (again), but i'm playing well and getting in some basketball, so i can't complain. somebody else write on this thing!! i'm gonna look like a loser if i'm the only one, and especially since its MY board!!! i love tomomi kahala, reg

sad manja at amherst - 01/29/98 17:52:25

just letting you all know i'm still alive and checking occasionally. nothing to say. amherst is boring. it's all about drinking and pot. not me. i mean. um, that's just what i've heard. =9

greg - 01/22/98 19:32:05

hey everybody. Leslie, VERY FUNNY!! To all those who are confused about that last post, it was written by a friend of mine who is even less sane than I am...heh heh heh. anyways, in case you wondering about privacy about who's gonna see this, th se pages are unregistered to search engines, and only people I know basically are coming here. so, the only chance people will find this page is by going through geocities and going to the block display, or by my telling them to come here. (or one of yo , which is all good with me) so, hopefully that will put to rest any privacy issues you had. thanks, greg (aka the management)

jabber-wacky - 01/22/98 01:15:45

Hi there Griffin! So good to get in touch with you at last. I must say I've been impressed by your fantastical art, and agree that the shattered glass is much more effective than the styrofoam cup. Things have been going well here in Katin and the Mavis sends her love to . The pig races just aren't the same without your incredible antics playing head coach by example, but it seems you're happier where you are in that transvestite club of yours. I was heartily suprised that you have a webpage. Somehow it just didn't see like you. Oh,...well, maybe it isn't you're webpage after all. My apologies to whoever this "G" person is. I'll be going now. Much Love, Mr. Applegate

Master Greg - 01/21/98 06:58:42
My Email:I_rock!

sure, sis, you can SAY that you won't miss me, but i know you really will. anyways, lazy butt KARA came to The G Spot, but she didn't write on the board!! KARA!! WHASSUP WIT DAT?? WHY YOU PH'n ME?! heh heh heh anyways, i'm proud to say i've prac iced 17 hours over the past 3 days, and my audition today went alright, but we'll see as to if i defended my title as principal euph or not. and maya, i care not for your petty barbs about me and tomomi...we'll just go elsewhere to share our love...hee h e hee. but anywyas, kiko told me she's 20, and she was an unpopular model before that, so she changed her name (tomomi kahala's her third reincarnation), and now she's a wildly popular singer and of course, extremely attractive...but anyways, kiko also t ld me that she's seeing this guy who's 37!! can you believe it? but then again, i say if YOU'RE 37, and can get a 20 year old beauty like her to go out with you, then dammit, you're a f***ing hero to me!! MASTER, SHOW ME YOUR WAYS!!! hee hee ok, its la e and i have to get up early and practice or something. later, yo mommas....

M.A.B. - 01/21/98 06:21:06

guess who's baaaaaaaccccck? okay nugget, you have yet to e-mail me after i sent you that ass long e-mail...and as for my dear dear older brother (and you too greg) hee hee...i will NOT miss you at amherst. just wanted to clear that up. =9 anyways, oh, f eugenie is reading this board, the point is for you to post messages...oh, and greg, your tomomi kahala thing is just sad. just. sad. i feel for ya man. sad. so sad. i'm crying. out loud. for you. so sad. hee hee no more tears obviously...anyw ys, i really have nothing to say, just wanted to show you all that i am loyally checking da board and even posting my nothings of drivvle, which we are all used to hearing by now...=9

i_love_tomomi_kahala - 01/19/98 08:27:26

oh yeah, i forgot one more thing...


Red Lion! - 01/19/98 08:13:25

hey b! finally for dancin', i can guess what the first thing has to happen is...gee, didn't i suggest that as a recreational activity?

hey, what if we all went to Julianna's one night? i think that'd be a lot of fun if we all went. i'm sure maya's up for it.

lets see, what else...brian is a dancin' fool! heh heh heh


anyways, thats all for now...hey, why isn't anyone else here? neal? Kara? janet? WHERE YOU AT??!!

Nugget - 01/19/98 05:34:03

MAB you freaky manja a b. sorry, i can't be like you guys, cuz i quite cussin, so i can't fill my messages with cussage. but let me just tell you what a manja a b you are you manja a b. as for red freak or whatever freakish name you're supposed to be y u web page creator, i can't read some of your writing on the hawaii page. i'm bored here at this law school i'm at. i can't say which law school it is, cuz then someone might be able to figure out who's writing this letter. i'm almost tempted to just k ep going and make this really boring so everyone reading greg's web page thinks his friends are real losers and maybe even falls asleep looking at it, but i guess i won't. i have better things to do with my life. oh mab, if you decide to read this...sin e you chose NOT to reply to the e-mail i sent you, i went clubbing this weekend...and to get me to dance, you know what has to happen first. :) of course i'm trying to actually stop that first thing that has to happen so that i can actually dance at the bl. ok, back to reading my thrilling law.

white lotus - 01/17/98 08:20:05

wow, i'm visitor number 59, and poster number 2. i have nothing really to say...dumbass brother just handed me the keyboard...anyways, check out my new webpage, complete with text only since i can't find a freakin' scanner anywhere. oh, the site is call d The Manja Zone, and it's tres cool. (that's french for kickin' some bad ass.) really. to my temple friends, hi. I'm still at home. e-mail me. cause i get bored. quickly. thanks. i love. to write. in two. word sentences. it. confuses. people. but. mainly. just. me. hee. he.e.e. k.a.r.a. i tried. to call. but. you were gone. sob. sob. sobsobsobsobsob. nugget. we went to mcdonald's recently. and i thought of you. like a chicken mcnugget. dipped in sauce. okay. it's time. for me. to go. to bed. nighty. night.

Master G - 01/16/98 05:02:33

Hey everybody! Why aren't you all posting? heh heh heh...anyways, this first part is to all of you ebl'ers who have nothing else to do than to be here. hope you all can come, b/c dammit, if i'm gonna be there i don't want to be the only one!! besides, he hemlock overlook park (assuming we go) has a HUUUGE ASS ZIPWIRE!! its fun!
oh, and brian, about that test i sent you, i'm touched i was number 4. really. i want you. anyways, all the names I put down were all girls...hmmm. anyways, SOMEBODY BESIDES ME POST ON THIS THING!!!

Master G - 01/16/98 04:59:56

Hey everybody! Why aren't you all posting? heh heh heh...anyways, this first part is to all of you ebl'ers who have nothing else to do than to be here. hope you all can come, b/c dammit, if i'm gonna be there i don't want to be the only one!! besides, he hemlock overlook park (assuming we go) has a HUUUGE ASS ZIPWIRE!! its fun!

greg - 01/15/98 08:01:10


work, dammit!!! aaaarrrrggghhhh

me - 01/15/98 07:59:48

this is a test

to The G Spot!

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