Delicious! Summary of Issue 2

Kazuomi and Ringo are off to school. Kazuomi gave Ringo her lunch box. Ringo noticed that Kazuomi is a bit irritated that morning and asked why. Kazuomi said that he had a bad dream. Ringo says that she had a great dream last night which is about Mahito telling her that he likes her then kisses her. Kazuomi is now really irritated and told Ringo that his dream is almost the same except Mahito says Ringo is a great cook. Ringo suddenly became sad for she can't cook and Kazuomi tried to calm her. Ringo suddenly smiled and told Kazuomi that she will try her best and that in the show, all she have to do is stand beside Mahito and say that the food is tasty. Ringo then told Kazuomi to hurry up or they will be late for school.

In school, at section 1-B, Michiyo told Ringo that they will eat together. Ringo looked at her lunch box and it is filled with very delicious food. Ringo tapped Kazuomi at the back to tell him it was good but Kazuomi pretend not to notice her. Ringo asked if he is angry and Kazuomi says that he is not angry. Michiyo said Ringo and Kazuomi seems to be good friends and asked if they have a relation. Kazuomi shouted that she's wrong and that they are just neighbors. Ringo then says that it is true and she asked Kazuomi to make the lunch box. Kazuomi immediately covered Ringo's mouth before she finishes what she was saying. Kazuomi whispers that didn't Ringo agreed not to tell and Ringo remembered.

Ayanna Hanamori with her friends are talking at the side of the room. Ayanna's friend says that Ringo seem to be very talkative with Kazuomi whom Ayanna likes. Ayanna replies that it is because they are childhood friends but she doesn't care. Ayanna's friend says that since she is beautiful, it will be easily for Kazuomi to fall for her. Ayanna remembers that while she was looking at the blooming sakura flowers, a ball had hit her on the head. Ayanna shouts who did it then saw Kazuomi who apologizes. On that day, Ayanna fell in love with Kazuomi at first sight. Back to the present, Ayanna thinks that there is only one problem and it is Ringo who is always near Kazuomi.

Ayanna went to their table and asked if she can join them. Ringo says okay as she eats her food. Ayanna just sat down and asked the staring Ringo as to what is the matter. Ringo says that she thinks that Ayanna is really beautiful then she smiles at her. Ayanna thanks her and thinks that Ringo must be sick or something though her eyes are okay. Ayanna then notices that Ringo and Kazuomi's lunch boxes have the same food. Ayanna thinks that it is okay if she is a great cook but it is a different story if she makes Kazuomi's lunch box. Ayanna says to herself that she will not lose to Ringo.

In the basketball court, Kazuomi was shooting some balls. Then, Ringo came and called for him really loud. The other boys asked if it is Kazuomi's girlfriend. Kazuomi says no as he blushes and turned away from Ringo. Ringo then says that she will say who made the lunch box then Kazuomi angrily ran towards Ringo. Kazuomi asked what is the matter. Ringo says that there will be a press conference for the show and asked if it is alright as in nothing bad will happen to her since Mahito will be there. Kazuomi got irritated and said that it will be alright since Mahito will be there to help her. Ringo was surprised then said that she had wanted Kazuomi to be there then she said that she was sorry to bother him. Then, she left leaving a sad Kazuomi.

In the press conference, Ringo is still angry with Kazuomi but when Mahito asked her is anything is the matter, she mentally puts Kazuomi away and says that she is alright. Watanabe announces that in the 'Happy Cooking Hour' show, there will be news about the food industry and that every month, there will be a 'live' presentation wherein Ringo will show the people who to cook. Ringo then shouted in disbelief.

At home, Ringo told her parents about the 'live' presentation and that she can't cook. Ringo's parents tried to encourage her to go on since everything was set already. Kazuomi at the door, says that why don't she just let it go for in the very start, she already knows that she can't do it. Ringo angrily throws a pillow at Kazuomi and cries that Kazuomi doesn't understand. Ringo continues that this is her only opportunity for she had failed in the other contests and that she will really do her best to learn. Kazuomi then hold her hands and said that she should stop crying since she decided to do it for it isn't like her to be like that. Ringo asked how will it be solved. Kazuomi then points to himself that she has beside her a very talented young cook.

At Kazuomi's house, Kazuomi decides to make a strawberry recipe since it is spring time. Kazuomi then talks about the kinds of strawberries but Ringo can't understand what he is talking about. Kazuomi then brought out a box of strawberries and a bottle from the refrigerator. Kazuomi put a strawberry in a champagne glass then poured in the the liquid from the bottle. Kazuomi told her that it is called strawberry champagne. Ringo asked if it is champagne and Kazuomi answered that he only used ordinary soda water then told Ringo that they should start. Ringo asked Kazuomi to give his hands to him which the puzzled Kazuomi did. Ringo while holding his hands says that she wished that she can also become like Kazuomi to be a great cook and Kazuomi says of course, you will. Ringo smiles.

In the show, Ringo is really tense and Mahito told her that she looks cute in her dress. Watanabe and Mahito encouraged her saying that she will do fine. Ringo is still tense then saw her hand and remembered that Kazuomi told her that she can do it. The show started as Ringo's parents, Kazuomi and his mother watched it on the television. Mahito and Ringo introduced themselves and Ringo proceeds to make the recipe for the day 'Super Easy Strawberry Castles'. After it was finished, Ringo brought it with the drinks to the table where Mahito was sitting. Mahito declares that it was delicious and Kazuomi says to himself that it should be since he taught her how to do it. Mahito then points to his face and says there, gesturing to Ringo to remove something. Ringo asked where as she touches her face and Mahito says it is here as he removed a little cream on Ringo's face. Kazuomi freaked out and Ringo's mother told him be quiet and not to block the television set. Kazuomi's mother says that Mahito was known to have very quick hands. Kazuomi was furious and immediately turned off the television. He ran out and says to himself that he will no longer help Ringo. Ringo's mom is still thrilled and wishes that Mahito does that to her, too.

Everyone was congratulating each other for a job well done. Ringo heard Mahito saying to another person that he will start to court Ringo. Mahito then asked Ringo to go out. Ringo was thrilled.

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