***** Wednesday, May 14 2003 (*AEST) *****

HI! Well, nothing too big today- I fixed the link to the second "Da! Da! Da!" picture gallery and added a second "Dream Saga" picture gallery. That's pretty much all- I am leaving for my house in Toronto on Saturday so once I get home I should be able to do more updates with lots of more interesting things. Just give me a few days to relax though! Well, BYE BYE!

I will move it to the links page later but for now... I added a link to the OFFICIAL "Nakayosi" homepage which is called "DigiNaka". It is a very nice site with lots of fun things to do and tons of info. I spent hours on the site reading everything I could. It is however in Japanese. But even if you don't understand it you can still just look at the pics I guess *_*

Let's all be Nakayoshi!

(*AEST = Australian Eastern Standard Time)

Also, if you would like to be added to my "Nakayoshi: Mailing List" then please just send me an e-mail and let me know your e-mail addy. This means I will contact you via e-mail to let you know when the site is being updated and to let you in on some other secret info as well...

|*Nakayoshi Mailing List*|

On a more personal note... I have started writing some stories online! If you want to read them (they are romantic, but with some action and adventure!) My pen name at this site is 'margaret_elizabeth' and if you wanna access it, just click here:

|*Fiction Press*|

Hugz and Kissez all around! ~*~ Linsie ~*~

Also... check out Linsie's other page ^_^ Plzzzzzz...

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