American Baptists

Here is a brief overview of what it means to my family and most of our congregation to be an American Baptist. This was written by my dad, Dr. William L. Malcomson, who is an American Baptist minister.

10 keys to understanding American Baptists:

1. We are a Biblically-oriented people. We believe that scripture, particularly the New Testament, is our authority, rather than a creed or church dogma.

2. We are a mission-minded people. Historically, we began, in this country, in order to do mission work here and overseas.

3. We believe that only believers (not children) should be baptized, and by immersion. Only believers, because entering into the faith is voluntary and is a person's decision. You can't make such a decision until you are old enough to know what it means. Immersion, because we believe that was the Biblical practice and because it symbolizes dying to the old self and rising to the new.

4. We arose in England in the context of separatist, congregationally structured English Puritanism.

5. When we say "Church," we mean the local congregation. As a denomination, we are a group of churches, not a Church. Each congregation has its own autonomy and freedom to be what it chooses to be.

6. The above is balanced by our belief that churches, working together, can often accomplish more than working separately, particularly in missions, evangelism, and education.

7. We believe in religious freedom for all persons. Strong emphasis on the separation of church and state. No state-sponsored religion. We have "soul freedom"--freedom to believe as we choose or not to believe.

8. We are active in the ecumenical movement, working with other Christians. But we do not believe in church union.

9. We have traditionally been a place where people can express strong views on controversial issues.

10. We are made up of a great diversity in terms of race, ethnicity, culture, class, and theology.

If you want to see how the administration of the denomination thinks of itself, see:
American Baptist Churches USA

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