Sailor Moon Sounds!

Sailor Moon Sounds

Sailor Moon
behalf.wav(30K) - "On behalf of the moon I will right wrongs and triumph over evil, and that means you!"

moonprsm.wav(19K) - "Moon Prism Power!"

healing.wav(40K) - "Moon Healing Activation!"

Sailor Mercury
bubbles.wav(66K) - "Mercury Bubbles, Blast!"

Sailor Mars
marsfire.wav(19K) - "Mars Fire, Ignite!"

Sailor Jupiter
thunder.wav(30K) - "Supreme Thunder, Crash!"

Sailor Venus
beam.wav(60K) - "Venus Crescent Beam, Smash!"

smoon2.wav(548K) - Ending theme song

cookie.wav(30K) - "Serena Saying I want a cookie"

allmu.wav(30K) - "All Scouts Yelling there Transformations Make Up"

behalf.wav(30K) - "Jupiter Star Power make Up!"

crystal.wav(30K) - "Cryatal Star Power make Up!"

joak.wav(30K) - "Jupiter Saying something in Japanese!"

jp.wav(30K) - "Jupiter Power!"

jcrash.wav(30K) - "Jupiter Thunder Crash!"

jstar1.wav(30K) - "Jupiter Star Power!"

jdragon.wav(30K) - "Jupiter Thunder Dragon!"

jdragon1.wav(30K) - "Another Jupiter Thunder Dragon!"

pride.wav(30K) - "Serena Begging Amy for the answers to a test!"

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