mOmOkO's pAge

hi. Thanks for coming to see my pathetic attempt at a homepage.

My name is linda, and i am a senior in college. For reasons unknownst to me, i am slightly obsessed with japanese culture, hence all the stuff you're about to see. As the result of the two months i spent in japan in the summer of '98, i am now fluent in japanese and even more obsessed with it all. But college keeps me busy, so i apologize if things on the page are getting stale. I will try my best in the near future. Anyways, on to the reason that you're here......'s my picture page! its called mOre aBoUt mOmOkO. go check it out!

japanese miniseries.....

Love Generation

Hoshi no Kinka, Parts I and II

Itsuka Mata Aeru


Aishitteru to Itte Kure

For You

Kono Yono Hate

Saigo no Koi

Asunaro Hakusho
Saikou no Koibito
Home Work
Tokyo Love Story

Long Vacation
Hito Natsu no Proposal


Bokura ni Ai o

general links....

excuse the mess.....this site is

please send me some mail!

wRiTe mE!

give yourself a pat on the back!
you're the st/nd/rd/th person to laugh at this site!

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