Updated on 1999.8.14
The title of this site has a little something to do with how often we upload.
The off-line version is much better. :)

Yes, that's about all I can speak in Japanese.
Well, there's always the ever so useful term, Kanai mo kodomo mo kaerimasen.
I think I should compile a list of all those useful phrases found in Japanese grammar books.

Welcome to our site, well, for the moment, and longer than that, ... shack.

Check it out:

Wai! Fushigi Yuugi is being broadcast online. A warning, though: it's all in Japanese. Not that that ever stopped anybody. W-Vision. Plug-ins are required.

Join the Blue Ribbon Online Free Speech Campaign

The links below are divided into separate categories once you reach the corresponding page or all the stuff is just crammed together. (Does that make sense?)

Enjoy, enjoy! (Brenna, you're going to want to rewrite this, aren't you?) Naaaaah... I'm too lazy.

If you've gotten this far, you probably already know what the heck we're talking about, but if you want more info, go here:

She's just too awesome...

Images. We haven't stolen *all* of the pictures... Actually, we did scan alot in from the manga. *Some* are up! (sheepish grin)

Shrines.What can I say, you have to have shrines! We worship you, oh two-dimensional characters... well, maybe not Chiriko Miboshi... Ack! I've been flamed! :)

Parodies, anyone? A small collection of the anime (what, else!) parodies out there on the net. E-mail us if you've found more. Laughing is good, no da.

Lyrics. Oh... Lyrics... Winter (Spring? Fall?) Break would be a great time to work on this, ne?

Multimedia. (Links to *other* people's) Music and Video (sites).

Shopping for your anime stuff. Places to get your fix. :)

Miscellaneous. In other words, stuff that won't go anywhere else. Ever wondered how tall the Sailor Scouts really are? (Ever really cared?) Dying to know Soi's bust size? Also, The Nitpicker's Guides to Sailor Moon, the North American Version.

Do you really want out of here? A hopefully extensive, (but growing), list of the good sites out there.

Be Young, Have Fun, Read Manga.

(Be Young, Have Fun, Drink Manga?)

Tama, you mind explaining what the *hell* you're doing?
Disclaimer: This is our first site ever.

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Okay, I hate these things as much as you do, but... I put one on anyway. Please sign! Make up stuff!

Fushigi Yuugi & Sailor Moon Copyright of their Releasing Companies.

Fushigi Yuugi Suzaku no Web Ring The Fushigi Yuugi
Suzaku no Web Ring
is sponsored by Otaku World

This site is owned by three incredibly obsessed high schoolers, well, really Geocities.

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