During a career now spanning more than two decades, Akina has compiled an extensive collection of singles, albums, compilations, and other special releases.

This discography attempts to catalogue every official release since her debut in May, 1982.

To browse the discography, begin by selecting one of the following categories:



Special Releases


You will be presented with a complete listing of all releases in each category arranged in chronological order. From there, click on the individual titles or groupings (by years) to view additional details.

For those of you who would like to print the discography pages for reference, I have provided printer-friendly versions of each page. Just click on the "Print This Page" link in the left-hand navigation bar. You may still have to experiment a little bit with different margin settings to obtain the best results, but they will make the task of printing easier.

Akina's videos, DVDs and books are similarly catalogued in separate sections that are accessible via the left-hand navigation bar.

CJ's Akina Nakamori Page - http://geocities.datacellar.net/akina_fan.geo/