Akina Hey fans! Are you curious to know which of Akina's releases have been the most popular with her fans? In an attempt to provide an answer, I have created this survey to collect your votes for favorite Akina song, single, album, and video.

If you would like to participate in this survey, please complete the form below. I am requesting the personal information in order to compile statistics, however it is purely optional. Any information you provide will be kept strictly confidential. When you have finished, click on the Submit button. If, at any point, you would like to restart, click the Clear button. Your responses will be sent to me via e-mail. Thanks!

View Survey Results

Location: (Country, State, etc.)
Gender: Male Female
Age: under 20 30 - 34
20 - 24 35 - 39
25 - 29 over 39

Check here if you have voted before.

What are your favorites? Note: if your favorite single, album, or video is not included in the provided lists, enter the title(s) in the comments field below.

Note: while the Favorite Single category is restricted to just those songs that were released as singles, the Favorite Song category allows you to select any one of Akina's songs as a favorite. That means the song can be from any one of her releases whether it be a single, album, etc.



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