A new Darkness...
The mysterious and entirely nightmare weaver, Chao's primary purpose appears to be an existance living off the pain and suffering of others. His true motivation and true nature are completely unknown. However, what I do know is that he has something against me which goes beyond what I can even begin to see...
Welcome to the StarLeaf a warp capable starship in the ranks of the Solonoid Battle Fleet. I was one of eight crewmembers thrown into a battle for something much more important than we could even imagine.
Quiet and highly knowlegable, little could I know Catty would be the first Troubleshooter other than myself I would ever encouter. But her secret is one that will make me resent my very existance and bind me with choices I will not be ready to make. How much pain will I see before I can reach the future?
Captain in cognito of the Star Leaf, Eluza is a commanding, mature figure in the face of the surmounting crises surrounding the ship. Will she see us safely to the strange planet know as "C-H-A-O-S"?
Cocky, headstrong pilot of unparalleled ability -- Lufy and I definately do not get along. Or rather, I thought we didn't -- sometimes there are events which radically change what we think of people when we realize they're not that unlike ourselves...
Rabby is a sharp thinker and quick to a conclusion -- though very often correct, she rarely sees beyond the surface level of the situation she is in. The heart of the warrior without the blood of experience, can I make is so she can live to earn it?
Rummy is so small and young, even by Solonoid standards, to be fighting in a war. I seems like she may never have even seen the Solonoid homeworld. She seems to look up to everyone for one reason or another, something I can't understand -- why would anyone want to look up to me?
Pony seems very alienated from the rest of the crew, almost empasionately engaged with the shipboard computer OX-11. She is reserved and kind to everyone, and is the only one left capable of operating the onboard computer system.
Patty is a friend to everyone on board, sociable and very easy to get along with. However, Patty's true importance is so vital that my entire existance rides upon it!
Gall Force and all other related articles are ©AiC, Artmic, Sonoda Kenchi, Movic/Sony ME, Toshiba EMI and everyone else I've forgotten