Fushigi Yuugi, "Mysterious Play," is the story of a fifteen year-old girl named Yuuki Miaka, in other words Miaka Yuuki, a third year junior high student getting ready for high school examinations. When she and her best friend, Yui Hongo, visit the National Library, Miaka goes to buy something to drink and a bird flies over her. Yui finds Miaka in the reference room and they discover an old Chinese book. The book The FOUR GODS OF THE EARTH AND SKY or other wise known as The Universe of the Four Gods tells of a story in which a young girl is transported to China and had her wish fulfilled. When they turn the page, they are pulled into the story inside the book. In the setting of the book , Miaka and Yui encounters a handsome young man with the character of "the ogre" ("oni") on his forehead. There, they are saved by the young man called Tamahome. Both girls falls in love with. Yui mysteriously disappears in a red light and finds herself back in the library without Miaka. Over the course of time, Miaka is discovered by Hotohori, the young emperor of Konan country and becomes Suzaku no Miko (represented by the phoenix,) the legendary goddess and protector of the Konan country. The story begins now with Suzaku no Miko, the girl who appears to open the portals to another world and acquire the divine powers of Suzaku. Meanwhile, Yui’s jealousy of Miaka builds up as Miaka slowly earns the love of Tamahome. Therefore, she allies with Nakago to become Seiryuu no Miko (represented by the blue dragon), protector of the Kutou country, which is currently at war with Konan country. In order for the powers of Suzaku, Miaka must gather the seven seishi of Suazaku. If the calling of the Suzaku is successful, Suzaku no Miko will be granted 3 wishes. The seven Seishi of Suzaku are: Tamahome, Hotohori, Nuriko, Chichiri, Chiriko, Mitsukake and Tasuki. During the course of action, Yui gathers her seven seishi to oppose Miaka. If she is successful, Kutou country will ruled over all China. Her seven seishi includes: Nakogo, Suboshi, Amiboshi, Soi, Ashitare, Tomo and Miboshi. But wait there's more but sorry you have to find out what happens by yourself but then it wouldn't be fun if you just read spoilers now would it. So go get yourself a copy of Fushigi Yuugi. If you really want to read some spoilers i'll put up a link for you. Later.
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