What's New

6/18 I added some pics to my site and i'll add some more fanart to my site as soon as my friend scans them for me...=)

3/26 I got two new awards one is from kitty and the other is from Emily...Thanks..u can view my awards here....

3/14 I just joined a webring called Anime/Manga Lovers Who Drink Coke Webring...u can get info on my Webrings section

3/4 I added a disclaimer section...and fixed the broken link on one of the fanart section...worked on the frames portion of the site...and that's about it...

2/28 Hi Everyone! As u can see i finally updated my webite and it doesn't say under construction anymore but as u'll find out it will always be under construction..put in a frames section and put up a fanart section...if anyone wants to contribute to my fanart section ur welcomed to!

2/14 Hey people! Happy Valentine's Day! I just kinda remodeled a little bit but that's about it for now!!!=)Come back soon!

2/6 Hey! I added a section called banners. I changed the backgrounds on the suzaku and seiryu section. Thats all for now! I'm going to change the awards because there too big. there probably going to be like buttons or something I dunno yet.Banners

1/29 Hey people! Finals are over so I have more time! Let's see I put up a new Amiboshi and Suboshi background up...Put up a new section to my page even though it has nothing to do with anime..New backgrounds in different places..and that's all for now. Ja ne!

7/16 Have some animated gifs up. Updated what's new.

6/14 FY awards up. Get An Award

6/13 I got an Award. Thanks Beth. Awards
