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Message To You
My beautiful artworks and scribbles
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You are visitor number Counter since somewhere back in 14/09/1998.

Latest Updates - 28/5/2001
Alright I notice most of my photo links are broken, thanks to Ant and Su-yin for telling me... so I thought, let's fix it up~!! and here they are, all the photo links from photos should be working perfectly now... In additional, I'm hoping whether you can sign my guestbook or something... cause yeah, I kinda lost the previous one... so yeah... thanks~!! (oh except for you Anthony, your entry is still there...) oh nearly forgot, I've got ONE kindaichi comic uploaded... so yeah if you wanna you can go dl that... thank you for coming~!! (I've also added a counter aswell!!)

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Practically everything's done... a new layout.. (again) hopefully this is gonna be here to stay... well at least for 6 months I hope.. but then in uni I don't think I'll have time to update my homepage anyway.. that's why I decided to do everything in this holiday and hopefully I don't need to do anything when uni starts... well maybe the occasional photo updates and stuff like that...Anyway lets get into the update part of this message: well I've uploaded the tano's assembly photos... and also end of red jumpers and dress up day 1 (60s 70s 80s)... there's also some new pics and the new page contacts.


Alright I haven't really done much... changed the layout of the pages... not all the pages... most... I haven't added anything new in here... but only changed layout... so there's nothing worth seeing... oh except for my photo main page where I've done my event pics... unfortunately I haven't add in any photos yet... but check it out anyway...

I have changed SO much here... My whole front page theme has changed from that purple background to this... all new ocean look... I'm gonna change the layout of other pages aswell just as long as I've got the idea... but it'll probably be based on this watery theme again... I personally really like this ocean pic, which of course I didn't do myself, but overall the effect is pretty nice!

Added in more of my beautiful (yeah sure) artwork in my arkwork and scribble page... there's my magazine cover design, a logo I did for my sister's assignment and a little illusion, MC Esher type drawing... oh and I added in a few picture jokes aswell... it's been sooooo long... you see, Simon gave me those pics like AGES ago... and it's only till this holiday that I finally decided to add them in... anyway enjoy my hp and thank you for coming~!!

I only changed the layout of the whole page... apparently people doesn't really like the colour scheme I had... that grey... dull theme... so I changed it... hopefully it looks a lot better now... I moved the content down the bottom... remember to check it out~!! the pic changes~!!

alright, I've uploaded the senior ball photos and the photos at Serena's party... the whole layout of this page has also changed as you can see... tell me if you like it or not....


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