The Scenario of All Souls

Playing Turn 1: The Great Transition
Keep fighting until all are one in The Dungeon of Forever.

Playing Turn 2: The Hall of Worlds
New characters appear, old grudges are revived, and treasures are reaped from the Hall.

Playing Turn 3: The Luxury of a Sane Mind
My champions feel the effects of merely being in Labyrinthus.

Playing Turn 4: The Least of Hell's Minions
The Larval Soul.

Playing Turn 5: Frigid Destiny
Battle with the Larval Soul.

Playing Turn 6: The StarSpirit
The holy avenger of fallen frost is transferred to a new wielder, and an ancient star spirit is encountered.

Playing Turn 7: Summers
How things came to be as they are.

Playing Turn 8: The City
Look upon these works and despair.

Playing Turn 9: Elves
What lies within one of the City's towers.

Playing Turn 10: Serpent of Sorcery
A strange vision in the heat of battle.

Playing Turn 11: Midnight Maiden
Who is she that can scare off an undead horde?

Playing Turn 12: Kazdreem

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