PK in
Wednesday  August 25, 2004

I woke up at 6:50am to turn off the AC because it was freezing cold.  I got ready then i tried to find a working computer.  They have nice new Samsung computers with flat screen monitors but they all have tons of viruses and keep crashing.  Finally i found one and i sent a few emails.  We met at the convenient store at 8:45am then headed to the photo place for our ID card photos.  A guy at the mini mart tried to get us to eat there and kept shouting at us.  After the photos we went to the FLEC building to wait for our meeting which began at 9:45am.  After the orientation of what would be happening during our stay, we went for Lunch at about 1:45.  We went to a little place just outside the campus.  I had BibiBap which is ric with vegetables, and egg on top with sweet chili sauce to mix with. Only cost about $3000 won which is about $4cdn.  I bought a sweet rice drink which is popular in Korea then we all took the bus to go to immigration in Cheonan.  Apperently there is some confusion with the Visa status i got so i may have to come back.  After we retruned to the school, a bunch of us went out to look around the town.  I bough some slippers Rafael bought some coat hangers.  We bumped into Michella and Natalia so we all went for dinner with some others at this Korean BBQ place. they dump all the food on to the circular hot cooking area then we mix it and eat it with leaves and lettuce.  Very spice but very good.  Lots of food for $6000 won.  We had some interesting conversations over dinner then headed back to the dorm. 

Tuesday     August 24, 2004

I arrived at Incheon around 4:30, a half hour before i was supposed to.  I found my way to the meeting place by the KFC but didnt' see anyone i there yet.  So i went a called my friend John to let him know i am in Korea.  After, a few  people had arrived and we met and talked.  Unfortunately the people who were supposed to meet us didn't show up until about 7pm so we missed the 6pm bus.  We had to hang out at the airport until 10pm so we wondered around to check out the airport.  By the time we got back to the meeting place, Steven had arrived and he bought us some burgers from burger king.  We then waited for the last of the students then jumped on the bus and headed off for the University. The ride was about 2hours.  I slept on the bus.  Once at the dorm we were given rooms and told that we would be moving so we shouldn't unpack.  I will need to get up at 9pm tomorrow.  it is now 1:30am.

Monday      August 23, 2004

Well time to get ready, i didn't sleep a wink last night.  I did cut my hair, pony tail and all.  I was doing all my last minute packing today and i am sure i forgot something.  I set up my computer for remote access and spoke to May before i left the house.  Bill and Dave came by my house to take me to the airport.  My mom also came  and we picked up my sister Pushpa and my neice Jasmine also.  The airport was fairly busy and once i checked my bags in i had to wait in another line that was being held up by security checks .  it took about a half hour but the line ran all the way down the airport.  We bumped into Kumar who was flying out to India but stupid Air Canada oversold the flight so he is on standby.  Once inside i bought some cigarretts from the Duty Free for my friend.  I went to the wrong gate at first but quickly changed directions.  The boarding time was delayed by about a half hour.  Finally on the plane, another guy apperently had the same seat number but after the attendant checked everything, he was the one in the wrong seat.  I fell asleep as soon as the plane took off.  Once i woke up we got some great food, BBQ chicken and an oriental salad.  Plus we had Singapore Airlines Kris World, where we had a about 60 on demand movies to choose from including current hollywood movies, foreign films, bollywood, tamil, chinese,japanese,korean, french.  ALso there were about 10 tv stations rotating a variety of shows. There was the International radio stations and video games.  I wasn't bored at all on the flight and  it made the flight go by very fast. 

Wednesday August 18, 2004

The clock is ticking and time is running out. It doesn't feel like i will be leaving.  I still have a lot of little things to get done this week but everything is going according to plan.  I will head to the Sunshine Coast today to pick up some stuff then i can start packing .