WARNING: If you are offended by the caroon Radiskull & Devil Doll in anyway I suggest you go no further because this is a ReBoot Radiskull crossover comic strip and some may find it offensive...though its really just a cartoon and so far has no objectional language or acts or anything but if it still offends you your welcome to turn back you have been warned. NOTE: I dont own Radiskull & Devil Doll they are copyright Shockwave.com and Joe Sparks. If you do not know what or who Radiskull & Devil Doll are I suggest you go to shockwave.com then the animation's section and watch the R&DD cartoons first before reading this stip or else you might not catch what the jokes are really about. If you still wish to proceed just scrowl down!

ReBoot & Radiskull Ep. #1
Episode #1 1