Mini-Mall Banners and HTML

Please pick one of the following codes and post it on your anime shop.

Code #1

This shop is a member
of the Sailor Moon Mini-Mall.


<!--Begin Mini-Mall HTML --> <table><tr><td> <a href=""> <img src="" border=0> </a></td> <td>This shop is a member<br> of the <a href=""> Sailor Moon Mini-Mall</a>.</td> </tr></table> <!-- End Mini-Mall HTML -->

Code #2

This shop is a member of the Sailor Moon Mini-Mall.


<!-- Begin Mall HTML --> <a href=""> <IMg src="" border=0></a><br> This shop is a member of the <a href=""> Sailor Moon Mini-Mall</a>. <!-- End HTML -->

You can mix and match any of the banners and codes, just as long as there is a link on your page to the Mall.
Here are some more banners:

Image Source:

Image Source:

Thank you!! Please link to the index file.

Now you can ENTER the Sailor Moon Mini Mall, with frames. 1