All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or copied in any form by all means. Sailor Moon is a product of Bandai, Toei, and Naoko Takeuchi. Now that I have all the disclamers out of the way, I can stop worrying that someone will sue me. I had this one floating in my head for sometime and now I have it in ink and paper. Tell me what you think. If you like it I might make more. My address is I guess this is like the continuem of Five Seconds, by Fiona Lim. This is NOT by her. This is by me, Lady Jupiter. I have to thank Fiona Lim for giving me permission to write this. I loved her stories and wanted to continue them. Thanks a whole bunch, Fiona. If you haven't read her stories Catch the Stars and Five Seconds, you should, they are so sweet! Secrets Revealed by Lady Jupiter Lita clung onto Ken, kissing him back. Ken's hands rubbed Lita's back, soothing her, warming her from the cold rain. "Lita..." Ken began. "Shhhh," Lita put a finger against his lips. Ken kissed her again, savoring the taste of her sweet lips. He had been thinking of doing this with her ever since he realized what love was. Now, he finally had her. She didn't think of him as only a friend now, but a boyfriend too. Lita was cold when she came in, but now, she was warm. Ken's lips were so hot that it drove away even the thought of chill. Finally, they drew apart. "You were my five seconds," Lita repeated softly. "What?" Ken was confused. He led her to the couch and both of them sat down. Lita started to explain, "Everyone has five seconds in life. My mom once said that between those five seconds are the choices. If you choose one choice, it will lead you to a different road than if you choose the other choice." "And you chose to be with me?" Ken asked. "Yes," Lita said, smiling. Ken laughed. "What?" Lita asked. "Nothing, I just remebered when we were small and it took you forever to choose one thing or another. More like five minutes." Ken recalled. Lita smiled. She remembered that too. Suddenly, she felt tired. Lita put her head on Ken's shoulder, snuggling closer to him and closed her eyes. Soon, Ken heard the even breathing of someone sleeping. He looked down and saw Lita sleeping, with a gentle smiled on her face. He didn't have to heart to wake her. It's been a hard day for her. He hugged her tightly, trying to warm her. After all, she was running in the rain for a long time, he could tell. Ken reached for a small blanket on the floor and covered her with it. Then, he too dozed off. * * * * * * * * * Ken was the first to wake. Lita was still sleeping soundly. He didn't want to disturb her. He just lay there, admiring her. Finally, she was his. For ages, he saw her getting dumped, guy after guy, she came to him for comfort, then went on to another guy. But it was never him. Finally, she had realized what he felt for her. Ken noticed they had changed sleeping positions. Somehow, he was lying on the sofa and Lita was sleeping on his side, almost ontop of him. He pulled the blanket over Lita's shoulders. Her clothes were mostly dry by now so there was a little chance of anyone catching cold. It was a good thing Ken's mother left the front door unlocked. Ken couldn't have gotten up without waking Lita to open the door for his father. He saw the doornob turn. Ken's father walked in the room with an umbrella and a breifcase. His father shook the water from his umbrella and put it by the shoes. He put his briefcase down and turned. "Oh, hi Ken," Mr. Miyake said. Then, he noticed someone sleeping half ontop of Ken under a blanket. "Hi dad," Ken blushed, knowing what this looked like. "Who...." Mr. Miyake started to stutter, "Who....? Are... you...who?" Ken laughed softly and lifted the blanket to expose Lita's face, "Relax dad, it's Lita. She just fell asleep." Mr. Miyake heaved a sigh, "Oh! For a minute I thought, I thought..." "It's okay dad, nothing really happened," Ken assured his father. Lita slept on the couch many times before and it wasn't that unusual. Mr. Miyake nodded. He was one person who knew how Ken really felt about Lita. Mr. Miyake walked to the kitchen and fixed some coffee in his cup. "I'm going back to the office, have dinner without me." Mr. Miyake said and picked up some papers. "Where did mom go?" "She's probably at the charity meeting. I'll come back late," Mr. Miyake left quietly after picking up his office papers. "Bye, dad." "Bye, ask Lita to stay for dinner if you want." Mr. Miyake went out. Ken looked down at Lita. She was still sleeping like a baby. He cleared some hair from her face. He twirled the lock of hair around his fingers. Her hair was so soft, like silk. Lita sighed softly and moved a little. She snuggled deeper into whatever she was sleeping on. Her hand rubbed the soft material she was sleeping on. "Lita? Are you awake?" Ken's voice drifted into her thoughts sleepily. Lita ignored the voice, trying to go back to the sleep that was so good. She snuggled deeper into the soft material. "If you snuggle any deeper, you'll drill a hole in my flannel," Ken's voice returned. Slowly, Lita opened her eyes. She was staring down at some blue flannel on someone's chest. She felt someone touch her face. "Lita?" "You feel like giant teddy bear," Lita sighed sleepily, hugging on to one of his arms. "I'll be whatever you want me to be," Ken said. Lita laughed slightly and put her head on Ken's collar, just below his chin. "Lita, I really have to go," Ken said, an urge in his voice. "Go where?" Lita's brain was kind of befuddled. "Bathroom!" Ken said. "Oh! Sorry," Lita got off of Ken and let him go into the bathroom. She got up and looked out the window. It was still raining pretty hard. The rain made the day look even darker. She remebered the last time it rained. That was the day Freddy dumped her. Ken was there to hold and comfort her. Her best friend. A hand went on Lita's shoulder. Lita turned around and faced Ken. He was smiling slightly, looking out in the rain. "It's raining pretty hard," Lita said. "Yeah, stay for dinner," Ken offered. "I don't know..." Lita started. "I insist. You can't go off in the pouring rain without a car. I won't let you go to the bus stop in this weather. It's only going to be mom and me for dinner," Ken said. "Only if you let me cook," Lita said. "Ofcourse. Mom love's your cooking," Ken told her. Lita got cooking and looked for the ingredients. She gathered everything and started cooking. Ken stood at the side, watching her in awe. "What are YOU staring at?" Lita asked. "You. You're so weird. When you cook, you never measure anything out. But when my mom cooks, she measures everything out, but it stilll taste like trash." Ken laughed. "If I measure everything out, it would taste like trash too," Lita joked, "It's a conspiracy. The recipe industry purposely give you the wrong recipes or ingredients just to confuse you." "Really?" Ken asked with skeptisism in his voice. "Ofcourse not silly!" Lita laughed. Ken laughed with her and continued to watch her mix the right ingredients. Lita smiled to herself. Ken was so sweet. He was her best friend, always will be. He understood her fully. Her best friend and mentor. Ken taught her self respect, how to stick up for herself, he taught her that it's what you think of yourself that's important, not what others think. Her best friend, her mentor, and now her boyfriend. Would this transaction be an easy one? Every since Lita was small, she looked up to Ken. Like a brother. Now, she knew he loved her more than that. She could feel her feelings for him blossom into more. There was a growing love, a bond between them. Even when they were kids, Lita knew they had a kind of bond. Almost telepathic. She always knew when he was down, and vice versa. "Should we wait until your mother get's home?" Lita asked when she finished cooking. "No, she might be late. Let's just set it up. Maybe mom will actually get here on time." Ken helped Lita set up the dishes in the dining room. Ken and Lita sat across from each other, waiting for a couple of minutes just incase his mother showed up. Suddenly, Lita's communicator went off. *Aww shoot! Scout trouble!* Lita thought. She knew she had to go. "What was that?" Ken asked. Lita hoped the sound wasn't too obvious, "What was what?" "I thought I heard something." "No, Kennie. It's probably just your imagination." Lita lied. She hated lying, but she knew it was for his own good. If he found out about the scouts, he would be in danger from the Negaverse. "Okay, maybe it was." Ken said doubtfully. Lita got up, "I have to go to the restroom, I'll be right back." When she got into the bathroom, she took out the comunicator from her pocket. "What is it?" Lita whispered. Luna's face came on, "Lita, we are at the corner of Main Street. You know the usual youma. Come quick." Lita closed the comunicator and sighed. Back to business. She came out of the bathroom and looked at Ken. *God, I hate lying to him* Lita thought. But she had done it many times. She thought he would be suspiscous by now why she always ran off like that. "Ken, I have to go...Um...I have to go meet Serena. She figure out how the microwave works," Lita lied. She was a horrible lier and avoided that task as much as possible. Surprisingly, Ken didn't object. Did he actually believe that? Lita thought. "Sure," Ken said, "I'll wait for mom. Go do what you have to do." Lita rushed out of the room. Luckily, the rain had stopped to a light drizzle and was wearing off. Lita ran all the way to Main street. When she almost got there, Lita walked into a nearby deserted ally. "Jupiter Makeup!" Lita shouted. In a flash, Sailor Jupiter ran out of the ally to join the others. "Jupiter Supreme Thunder!" Sailor Jupiter unleashed the thunder at what the others were attacking. "Sailor Jupiter! You're hear," Sailor Moon said. "Ofcourse," Sailor Jupiter said. "Mars Fire Ignite!" Sailor Mars threw her fire out at the youma. The youma was tougher than the others. Smarter too. So far, it ducked most of the attacks thrown to it. "Sailor Mercury! Use your bubbles to fog it!" Sailor Venus shouted. "Mercury Bubbles!" Sailor Mercury fogged the whole area. "Sailor Jupiter! On your right!" Sailor Mercury shouted directions. Sailor Jupiter, in all the confusion turned to her left. "Your other right!" Sailor Mars shouted. Sailor Jupiter turned the other way and shot out a thunder bolt. The earpeircing scream signalled a bullseye. The fog receded making it clear to see. "Sailor Moon, use your tiarra!" Tuxeedo Mask shouted. "Right on it! Moon Tiarra Magic!" Sailor Moon threw her tiarra at it. "Failures!" The youma shouted and turned to ashes. "Great job!" Luna said and walked out from her hiding place. "Very good job. I'm proud of how you girls worked together." Artemis complemented. "You girls can go back to what you were doing now. Let's hope we don't have to do this again today," Luna instructed. "Okay," Sailor Moon and the others, excluding Jupiter transformed back to their regular clothes. "Sailor Jupiter? Why are you still dressed in that?" Serena asked. "I have to do something first." Sailor Jupiter thought about telling Ken her secret. "Do you need help?" Mina asked. Sailor Jupiter thought that she should do this herself, "No, I'll do this myself. I'll see you Monday in school okay?" "Oh no! School! I forgot to do my report!" Serena whined. "Okay, if you're sure." Rei said. "I'm sure," Sialor Jupiter said. "Bye," all of them went their seperate ways down their seperate streets. Sailor Jupiter walked slowly back to Ken's house. Hopefully, his mother would not be home and she would be able to tell him this slowly, without shocking him to death. Halfway back to the house, something jumped infront of Sailor Jupiter. Instinctively, Sailor Jupiter got ready to unleash the thunder. She saw it was a youma and made up of some sort of crystal or glass. "What are you?" Sailor Jupiter asked. "Kill! Kill!" the youma croaked. "Jupiter Supreme Thunder!" Sailor Jupiter shot out at the youma, shattering it. Sailor Jupiter realized her mistake. She was too close to the youma. Shards of glass or crystal blew to into her face. Sailor Jupiter tried to shield her face, but it still got to her. Luckily, she closed her eyes and her eyes were protected, but the rest of her body was not. Pain. The burning pain flew through her body. Sailor Jupiter could feel every little shard imbedded in her body. It was like a million little paper cuts that hurt hundreds times worse. She could feel the blood oozing out in some places. "I have to get help," Sailor Jupiter mumbled, tired and hurt. There was no one on the streets, no cars either. This side of town was practically deserted. She didn't know how far she walked, or for how long. She was just aware of the pain. Sailor Jupiter eventually had to lean against the wall every few steps to catch her breath. She was still bleeding and the pain was worse. Sailor Jupiter knew that sleep would cure all this, but she had to go home or somewhere. It would surely trap attention if she just slept on the street with her sailor fuku. She didn't even know how long she would sleep. In the distance, a car roared by. Sailor Jupiter was barely aware of the sound. She could barely make out the sound of an opening car door, followed by foot steps. Sailor Jupiter looked to see who was it and saw the sweetest face. "Lita!" Ken rushed forward, just in time to catch Lita as she fell. *He know who I am!* was the last thought that went through Lita's mind. She closed her eyes and welcomed the sleep. She knew she was in good hands now. She felt Ken's strong arms carry her. She was vaguely aware that she was lying in a car. "Lita, stay with me Lita." Ken said. Sailor Jupiter had no strength to answer him. She could barely keep her eyes open. She wanted so bad to go to sleep, but she had to make sure he wasn't going to take her anywhere public. "Hold on Lita," Ken started the car, "I'm taking you to the hospital. Just hold on." Sailor Jupiter gathered up all her strength to say one word, "No." "Lita, what do you mean 'no'?" Ken asked, "Look at you! You're a mess." "No, Ken. Take me home," Sailor Jupiter sighed. It was such a deep sigh, Ken though she would shatter. "Lita, you have to get medical help. I'll never live with myself if you..." "Ken, please. Take me home," Sailor Jupiter passed out with a final breath. "Lita? Lita! Can you hear me?" Ken took his eyes off the road and looked at her. She was either dead, or not. *What am I suppose to do?* Ken thought. She doesn't wan't to go to the hospital, but look at her. She looks half dead. "Okay Lita, I'll take you home. But you have to promise me to get better," Ken said. There was silence. Parked infront of Lita's apartment where she lived alone, Ken stopped the car. He got to the other side and lifted Lita up. She was incredibly light, or he was just strong, or both. Ken remembered he had to go up four flights of stair to reach Lita's apartment. He didn't know if HE would make it. But he had to, for Lita's sake. He started up the stairs, taking slow careful steps. It would be awful if he fell with Lita and both of them would be hurt. Finally, Ken reached the fourth floor. He walked to Lita's apartment and looked for his spare keys. He found them in his pocket and opened the door. Ken put Lita gently on the bed and looked at her. He had to admit, she did look better than when he first found her half dead. Was sleep actually making all this go away? He didn't really take much notice that she was still in her Sailor fuku. Ken went into the bathroom and got out a clean washcloth and a tub of cold water. He started to clean some of the cuts on Lita's arms and legs and face. * * * * * Lita woke up feeling much better. Her whole body was numb, but she felt better. She had a pounding headache that went a mile every time she turned her head an inch. She notice that she was not on the street or in the hospital. Her thoughts were disorganized at first, but she got in complete thoughts. She was in her room, it was nightime, but how long was she sleeping. Lita noticed she wasn't alone. She could hear someone else breathing in the room. It was pretty dim in her room, but she could still make out a figure slumped in a chair beside her bed. They were probably sleeping. *It's probably Ken* Lita thought. Lita closed her eyes, not wanting to wake anyone until morning and went back to sleep. Ken woke up, half on the chair, half off. He didn't relize that he had fallen asleep. He checked Lita, still alive, still sleeping. He got up and stretched, then went into the bathroom to freshen up. After a look in the mirror, he thought he looked like hell. His hair was a mess and his eyes were red rimmed from the lack of sleep. Ken got out and walked to the window. He opened the drapes, letting the morning light flood in. Out on the window sill was a pigeon. Ken watched it for a long time, he had nothing better to do. He wished Lita would wake up. As if his prayers were answered, Ken heard ruffling on the bed. He turned and saw Lita, looking like she always did. Her cuts were gone, she looked as good as ever. Lita was sitting up in bed, looking at him. "Lita! You're okay!" Ken said. He went over and got a closer look at her. "What happened? When I brought you here, you were all bruised and cut up." "I'm a fast healer I guess," Lita said. She remebered she was still in the sailor fuku, "I guess I should tell you why I'm wearing this." Ken smiled, "I already know you are Sailor Jupiter." "How?" Lita asked, "When?" "I've known for a long time. I saw the Sailor Scouts before. I remember how much Sailor Jupiter looked like you, but didn't say anything about it. I thought it was my imagination. Then, you started to run off all of a sudden, when we talk, something would beep and then you would say you had to go. Then I noticed you were never there when Sailor Jupiter was there. I put two and two together and figured out why." Ken said. "Oh. Were you surprised?" "Not really. I kind of knew you were Sailor Jupiter. In my mind, I always thought that." Lita got up from the bed and walked to the window. "Lita, you should stay in bed and get some rest," Ken advised. Lita stood up even though, "I feel fine, Ken. Don't worry!" Lita stood by Ken and looked out the window. It was such a beautiful day. It usually was a beautiful day after a long rain. They were watching out in silence. "Lita? Can I ask you something?" Ken asked. Lita turned to him. He was staring at her legs. He couldn't take his eyes off of her long legs, "Yeah Ken?" Ken blushed a light red, "Can you change into something longer? I can't take my eyes off your legs!" "Oh, sorry." Lita blushed even more than he did. She concentrated on her normal clothes. In a flash of light, the sailor fuku was replaced with every day clothes. "Cool!" Ken said. "That's what I said the first time I transformed," Lita laughed. She went into the bathroom to freshen up. When she came out, Ken was still staring outside the window. "Are you hungry?" Ken asked. "No. Come out. I'll make you some tea," Lita said. "Okay," They sat on the couch, drinking the tea. Lita seemed preoccupied about something, Ken could tell. "Lita? What's wrong? Is there something on your mind?" Ken asked. "No, not really," Lita lied. Ken could tell she was lying, but didn't push on further, "Okay...If you feel like talking about it, I'm here." "Yes, there's something on my mind," Lita admitted. "What?" "Are you mad at me?" Lita asked shyly. "Mad about what?" "Mad that I kept the Sailor Scout secret from you." Ken sighed, "When I frist found out, I was. I wondered why you didn't tell me. But then, I thought about it. There was probably a good reason why you weren't tell me about it, so I just let it slide. But you don't know how many times I worried about you getting hurt." "So you're not mad?" "Lita, I can never be mad at you," Ken said. "You can't tell anyone Ken. Do you promise that? You have to promise me not to tell anyone. If anyone found out you knew, then you would be in danger. Great danger." "I'd do anything for you, Lita. Of course I won't tell anyone." Ken agreed. "Are you okay with all of this?" Lita asked. "Yes, I guess. If it makes you happy." Lita looked up at Ken's brown eyes. She knew he could read through her like a book. "Lita, don't you like being a Scout?" Ken asked. "I do, but it's just so weird. Suddenly, I'm a super heroine fighting for the world. I like it, but it's its....I don't know how to explain it. I'm not afraid of dying, but I can't stand it." Lita tried to search for the words. She already knew Ken knew who the other scouts were. "We've been fighting for a long time, and all of us are still alive. There were so many times when one of us almost died. What if the next fight, one of us doesn't make it. What if..." "What if one of the scouts die?" Ken continued for her. "Yes," "Lita, I know how you feel. Every day, I think what if Lita is off fighting and dies. I think it all the time. I know it's a possibility, but I still like to think it's not possible." Ken put an arm around Lita and pulled her close to him. Lita couldn't beleive it. She found her perfect match. Ken knew what she was thinking and feeling. It was like they were paired together for destiny or something. Lita snuggled close to Ken's side, curling up beside him. She couldn't get any more comfortable if she was a cat. Ken was softly stroking her hair without even knowing it. He loved the way her ponytail bounced up and down whenever she walked, but loved how soft it felt even more. He put his chin on Lita's head, taking in the sweet sent of her hair. Lita scooted up, until she was face to face with Ken. She leaned in closer, smelling the mild colgne he was wearing. That scent and the scent that was always on him. The smell of Ken. Lita got closer, until they were only a centimeter apart. Lita nuzzled the side of Ken's head softly with her nose. Ken just squeezed her hands gently. Lita started to nibble on Ken's ear, getting closer. Ken's hands were messing with Lita's hair. Then, he pulled Lita until she was in his lap. Lita looked up at him with wide shining eyes. Ken kissed her soft lips, tasting a bit of the bitter tea. Lita's hands went around Ken's neck and ruffled with his hair. The doorbell interupted their kissing. Lita got up, straightened her shirt and went to get the door. Ken just sat there. He watched her walk out of the room and sighed. She was so beautiful, so kawaii, so sweet. He heard Serena's shrill voice. He had met Serena only once and wasn't too shocked to see that bazaire hairdo. There were some other female voices, and a deep male voice. "Hi Lita!" Serena said. "Hi Serena," Lita said. Standing behind Serena were the others: Darien, Rei, Ami, Mina, Luna and Artemis. "Are you busy?" Mina asked. "Not really," Lita thought of Ken in the living room, "Do you want to come in? There's someone I'd like for you to meet." Ken heard that sentance. He immediatly smoothed his hair into at least a descent form. A glance in the hallway mirror told him that his eyes weren't as red anymore and he looked almost normal. Lita led her friends into the living room were Ken sat. She saw that he had tried to unmess his hair. "Serena, you already know Is there even a word called "unmess"? Ken right?" "Oh sure! Hi Ken!" Serena said cheerfully. "Hi," Ken replied. He was kind of uncomfortable being in the spotlight like that. He already knew their alternate identities, but that didn't make it any easier. "Ken, this is: Rei, Ami, Mina and Darien, Serena's boyfriend." Lita pointed out each person. "You guys, this is Ken," Lita finished the introductions. "Hi, Ken. Lita's told me a lot you." Mina said happily. "Oh?" Ken arched an eyebrow at Lita, "Anything interesting or humiliating?" "Ofcourse not, Kenny!" Lita put on her best innocent face. "Are you sure?" "Positive," Lita added, "Beside the fact that you still sleep in your Speed Racer (TM) PJ's?" Ken turned red, "What? I don't sleep in Speed Racer (TM) pajama's!" "Just kidding," Lita said. Ken noticed two cats sitting on the coffee table infront of Serena. "Here Kitty! C'mon. Come over here!" he cooed. The black cat obeyed and jumped into Ken's lap. Ken rubbed it behind it's neck and Luna purred. Artemis still sat on the coffee table. He didn't appreciate being called a "kitty". "Artemis, come here," Lita called. Artemis went and sat on Lita's lap. He looked at Luna who was obviously liking the attention. "How are you Artemis?" Lita asked. She couldn't wait to see the expression on Ken's face when he found out the two cats can talk. "Fi-" Artemis caught himself before he could say a whole word. He almost forgot Ken was there. "Artemis? Are you mad? Why aren't you answering me?" Lita said, a small smile played on her lips. Artemis got what she was trying to do. She was trying to surprise Ken. But why? "Lita, are you crazy or something? You expect a cat to answer you?" Ken laughed. "And what is wrong with that?" Artemis asked, using a perfectly cultured voice. Ken had a very strange look on his face, "Lita, can you take me to the mental institution right now? The cat just talked to me." "Silly, these two cats can talk!" Lita laughed. "Huh?" Ken looked down at the black cat. She looked like she was almost smiling at her. "Hi Ken. Nice to meet you," Luna said. "Oh mi god!" Ken said to himself. "I guess you should know what this is about huh?" Lita asked. "Are you sure we should tell him?" Luna asked. "Yes Luna. I trust him. It's too late to go back anyway. Better go all the way..." Lita and the others filled Ken in with the scout stories.... * * * * * * * * * * You can probably guess what happens next. So I'll let your imagination do the rest. Again, thanks to Fionna Lim. Without her stories, this would not have been possible. Mail comments and stuff to me at Sorry about the grammar, spelling and punctuation errors. I have spelling deficiency! Plus, they should put me in remedial english. Jya Ne! *******Copyright 1997 Lady Jupiter. (all rights reserved)*******