counter hits faq

What are counter hits?
Do they bite?
Does shi actually hit someone for these 'hits'?

Nah, shi's not that mean.

Counter hits, or kiriban, originally started with japanese webpages.
The idea of getting a 'hit' means to be the nth visitor to a site with a counter, as indicated by that counter.
The site owner, to celebrate this special nth visitor, would then accept a request from that visitor. Depending on the site owner's preference, a gift could be in the form of a piece of art or a story.

Okay, so shi is having counter hits.
What do I need to do to get them?

It's easy. Just follow these simple steps:
(1) ALWAYS enter through shi's entrance page. It's there for a reason - to pick up counter hits! ^______^
(2) CHECK the counter and the next hit message on the bottom of the entrance page.
(3) If the two numbers match, you've got a hit! Right click on the counter image and save it somewhere - on your PC or your diskette, doesn't really matter.
(4) ATTACH the saved image to an email and EMAIL Shi. This is veddie important. If you don't mail shi, shi doesn't know you've got a hit.
(5) Did you remember to specify what request you wanted from shi?

Wasn't that hard, was it?

Urm ... I still don't know what kind of requests you'd take.

Well, seeing how this is a Houshin Engi fanpage, something HE related would be fine.
Given that shi is into BL or slash (what they call it in the Western culture), a request along those lines would be fine, too.

Art requests:
If it's from HE, shi can probably draw it. You can even request the characters to be drawn in different outfits than they normally wear, like in modern clothing. A word of warning - shi has NOT been practicing anyone other than shi's top three (Fuugen, Taikoubou, Youzen), so if it looks like a carbon copy of Fujisaki-sensei's work, you'll know why. ^_^;
And if you've got a really funny idea for HE but can't draw - tell shi! Shi just might be pushed into doing a short dj gag strip for you. ^_^
If you want something from another series, TELL Shi. Don't be scared, shi'll tell you if shi can't do it. We can work this out.

Story requests:
If it's from HE, shi'll wrack her brains for something to come out. You can also request poetry from shi if you give shi some sort of idea what 'theme' to write about. Don't just mention the pairings or people you'd like to see ... be more specific! Tell shi what you'd like to see, why you'd like to see it - put FEELING behind it and convince shi that so-and-so is just to die for!
If it's from another series ... well, see art requests above. The same applies.

Anything else?

Yep, there is one last thing.
DO be nice - if you've got a hit, and the next one is only one or two "reloads" away -
Let someone else have it.
Arigatou gozaimasu!

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