

Three Steps to the Left is an amateur film production troupe working out of Pasadena, MD. Our films range from artsy shit to documentary footage to slasher flicks. Basically we suck...but at least we're entertaining ourselves.

3 steps to the who?

April 4, 2000

Well, it's been about 7 months since I've even attempted to update this page. You should be proud. Anyway, as usual, nothing new has been happening with 3 Steps. I did, however, put up a new image gallery so everyone can now see how hideously ugly we really are. Don't let that stop you from checking it out though :-) You might also be interested in seeing the new page that Fozzie and I have been working on: The Fout Club. If you're pissed off and irritated by most things in life you should definitely give it a look.


Past Words

A 3 Step film guide



Image Gallery

Other pages to visit

My URL: http://welcome.to/3steps

I got it for free at http://come.to