Hokkaido at a Glance

Map of Hokkaido, courtesy of my Hokudai Short-Term Exchange Program catalog.

Capital: Sapporo, About 1.8 million [Japan's 5th largest city], about 125 years old, constructed under America guidance giving it a more "western" apperance
Famous for: Sapporo Beer, Snow Sculptures, Large Crabs, Mongolian [Mutton] Barbeques
National [?] Animals: Fox and Owl.. trinkets and postcards adorned with these animals can be seen in gift shops all over
Climate: Hokkaido is about the same latitude as the state of Oregon.. this gives it a fairly well-rounded climate, with definitely 4 distinct seasons. It is also the least humid island of Japan
Other Info: Hokkaido is the newest addition to Japan, meaning that it was mostly wilderness until about 150 years ago. There were indigenous people living in Hokkaido before Japan aquired the island.
They were the Ainu and can be compared to the Native Americans of the U.S. There are still some Ainu people in villages and such, but they are now a minority.
While I was there, "authentic" Ainu merchandise could be purchased in just about every gift shop. Whether or not it was "authentic", I didn't know.. but unfortuneately, it seemed to be somewhat of a tourist gimmick to have Ainu things in stores...