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Masamune Shirow


Gemcat Calendar cover Dominion

Ghost in the Shell

Intron Depot

Welcome to the Puto's Home Page
Last updated: December 29, 2000

How many eyes has Briareos? COMMENT! July 28th, 2004
Hallo to everybody. I last updated this pages so many years ago (WOW... December 2000) and I'm writing this now because Geocities deactivated this site. I have decided to start it again since I'm still thinking it contains some interesting infomation. In the last years I have lost interest in Shirow since I totally disagree with the choiches he took about his last works and I still prefer the old one. In the meantime I have also graduated and I'm working. Anyway, enjoy your manga


PS I have not the time nor the will to update all the pages, so also the email address you find here and there is out of order. Sorry

Hi! My name is Franco and I like so much Mr. Masamune Shirow's works. I hope you enjoy these pages about my preferred author. Unfortunately since some months I'm very busy trying to end the university and I'm also waiting to leave for the compulsory military service. This is why I'm neglecting Puto's and I'm so sorry about it. To know more about what I'm doing know, take a look to the help page.
Anyway remember: your comments are useful, appreciated, and always welcome, so please mail me! Greetings from Pisa (Italy)!
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is owned by Franco
I have made these pages only to know other people who like Masamune Shirow. I don't have any profit so I hope to have no problem too. Please mail me if copyright information in my pages are wrong. Thanks.

Pictures Copyrights
From the Top: 1) GEMCAT ©1997 Shirow/Seishinsha. 2-3) Intron Depot ©1991 Shirow/Seishinsha, Appleseed ©1995 Shirow/Seishinsha. All others pictures are copyrights of their respective companies and authors.

All images are presented in the context of reviews

All Characters, stories, and art copyright: Appleseed ©1995 Shirow/Seishinsha. Black Magic ©1990 Shirow/Seishinsha. Dominion ©1996 Shirow/Seishinsha. Exon Depot ©1996 Shirow. Ghost in the Shell ©1991 Shirow. Orion ©1993 Shirow/Seishinsha. Intron Depot ©1991 Shirow/Seishinsha. All others pictures are copyrights of their respective companies and authors.
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