Chinese Version
Benny hopes that he can offer this sweepstakes forever (but life is short), so come back here every month. The new postcards and the winner's will be displayed on this page.

This game is very fair. Each person that gives feedback gets a number(Actually, you don't really need to have comments), one number per person for each month. Benny puts all numbers in his hat on the deadline and randomly picks up one number. Simple, isn't it? If you have any questions please e-mail Benny at If you are the winner please send your postal address to Benny. He won't sell your address, so don't worry about that.

This offer is worldwide so register now!. The next winner could be you. All shipping and handling fees for all postcards are paid for by Benny.

The March/April winner is Elianny Rivas , Congratulations! You won a set of minitures museum of Taiwan postcards

This sweepstakes game is over

Past Winners

If you want to be one of the lucky people,
please Click Here

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