Swappers Phonecards

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Email me: swapper@cyberway.com.sg

New!! Sports Car and Super Friends set issued
A set of 4 beautiful cards were issued in June with the sports card theme. A certain "must have" for sports car enthusiats! It features 4 popular sports cars, the forever young Porche 911, the Lotus Elise, Ferrari S355 and lambo Diablo. View Image.
The cards come in a specially designed folder available at US$20.

For cartoon comics collector, a limited edition of 6000 sets were issued this month featuring the Green Lantern, Aquaman and Batman! This set is the sequel to the earlier set featuring Superman, Wonderwoman and The Flash. View Image
Cards are enclosed in a beautiful folder. US$15.

Hello there! Welcome to my corner of the web. I've been collecting and selling phonecards since 1989 when Singapore 1st issued its GPT phonecards. Progressing from contacts made through the now defunct "Internatiaonl Telephone Cards" (great magazine! Too bad it started its downhill since Dr Hiscock left. Poor Mark.. ) to the present day on the web, I must have corresponded with thousands of collectors.

And to all the nice people I  have met through phonecards, a big THANK YOU!

In my exchanges...

I prefer simple number to number exchanges. For example, 20 to 50 different cards from your country for same amount of Singapore cards. or

if you have really good materials (rare countries, popular themes etc.) do email me and we can see what can be worked out. Otherwise, stick to number for number. Please do not ask for a list,  I don't publish any. Sorry.

Please note: I'm only interested in good condition. Reasonable wear and tear acceptable. Some of the cards I received are in pathetic conditon. Only 1 good card out of 20. It is truly a waste of postage. As such, I request that 1st time partners send their cards first. Mine follows. My credibility is assured. Check out my references on my Partners page.



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