Info Tech...

CORRECTION!!:The actual mark i got is 79%(just got the report card today sept 2, 98)
whew...i am so glad that it finished...just finished my final today on Aug. mark isn't too high but it's still a pass though~hehe~66.6%, and didn't include my final exam yet...but don't think that exam will pull the marks down lah~hehe~this class is good~haha~sure the teacher's the best loh~his name is.. i think...Kyle Kirkwood bah...South Park fan...he like south park so much and talks like the characters in the south park too~^_^like everything 'bout south park~so...if you want you project good~put something 'bout south park in it~!..and the classmates...hmmm...haha~i don't know anybody in my class, though there's Taiwanese also just sitting behind me~i think their name's um...Adrian, An Ban, and Carol~haha~and thanx to that adrian who actually try to talk to me...but my "no-friend" disease didn't allow me to be a friend w/ him~*.*well, too bad~ oh yea...they're all from Eric Hamber(i guess) than that...i don't know anybody else's name loh~coz i don't go there often meh~used to go at 4:30 when the class had already started 1 and a half hours...=)well, too hot and bored to stay in that computer lab le meh~haha~hope that won't change my mark=) well, so~that is my summer, south hill, SO FAR~! tired of driving there everyday...sigh~oh yea~and another thanx to Toady Lee, who was taking English at south hill too~he took me there several times~and i did take him sometimes too~^_^thanx toad~^_^ comes some of the works i did during these horrible class hours loh~~~~

ok...first of are some little useless pictures i did in the very first class...=)so simple eh?well, made by a program drawer...still don't know how to use it.. not even now after the class had been overed...sigh~

WAHA~this is my project 2...sigh~so bad eh?the main reason is that i still don't get how to use the programs...well, you wondering why didn't i do it at home?...too lazy le meh~haha~

now this one is part of our project 4...looks better?hmm, coz i do this at my house le meh...hehe...this one is 85% yo...probably the highest mark i get in making the banners bah...haha~^_^

ok...this is still part of the project 4...hmm~not too bad bah~i did this just in 15 minutes bah~i guess, using a program called ray dream, it's pretty cool~you can made you object 3d and moving~^_^this earn me a very high mark~95 percent~^_^though i didn't really do lots work on it~^_^

hmm~wahakalaya~this is STILL project 4...made by a cute little program called"power goo" and convert to the movie file by another COOL program called Adobe..(what!?another Adobe-?)yes, Adobe Premier...both program are very cool~^_^especially that goo program, you can twist your pictures around and make many funny stuff...=)i didn't do too well on this, coz i was kinda in a hurry to finish this and leave...haha~so it doesn't look too good lah~marks are low too...64%...sigh~

okok...that's pretty much about it...we also learned lots java scripts and html too, and rules of desining homepage...I ACTUALLY MEMORIZED ALL THAT COZ I THINK HE WILL TEST ON IT~!!!but he didn't...and it's a OPEN COMPUTER TEST! just made me feel that i am so STUPID~!...oh yea...and one of the rule i remembered...always put a link back to your main page~ so here you go~^_^ 1