


SkyFox~!!woowoo~!YEAH~there's probably all of us~^_^but guess you guys just can hardly find where i am~^_^haha~

HeyHey~This picture's taken on X'mas Eve yoh~^_^at Stanley Park while we went for fire-work loh~

Aiya...That's...NewYear's Eve (1minute before 1998 bah i suppose~^_^)Yeah~So many people there that night ne~

One of our thousands stickers loh~hehe...i think this one's at 香港仔bah...taking just before we went to the movie~

YOYOYO~who's this cute cute boy?hehe~that was me at my father's 營區loh~that was my first day going to junior high~^_^五福!YEAH~!It ROCKS!!!

sorry~can't remember when and where this is le~um...maybe it's.. before i was 5 and somewhere in Kaohsiung bah~^_^aiya...hope i can remember things at that time ne~coz i might see somebody or something meh~^_^

there's my beloved daddy, mommy, sister and...who is that?anyways..that's it for now loh~^_^more to come soon lah~^_^

3q for visiting yo~^_^