Hi, we are
Pui Ching Wing House Alumni
香 港 培 正 中 學 穎 社 校 友

We signed up and moved in on 03/12/98.

Our purpose is to establish our alumni connection.

The implementation of our page is:
if you have interest to know more about our house alumni,
or if you find any mistakes or outdated information in the pcw.html,
please let us know.

如 果 有 興 趣 知 道 多 些 有 關 校 友 消 息﹐ 或 找 到 在 pcw.html
錯 誤 和 過 時 的 資 料﹐ 請 告 訴 我 們﹗ 我 們 電 郵 地 址 在 下 面。

Email us at

in the meantime.

Please come back soon and visit us.

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