What can I say? Geocities, and @Home never cease to amaze me how
sucky they both are! First off, Geocities allows you to FTP (File
Transfer Protocol) but the thing is, you can't overwrite, upload
or do anything at all while you're on the FTP, expect for deleting
files. What's the point of this? Sure you can delete all the files,
but if you can't replace them, then it's useless, or close to it.
GEOCITIES SUCKS!!! GRRRR!!!, I wish it wasn't like this, or else
updating this webpage would be a lot easier than it is at present
Okay, time to bitch about @Home. Well if you're a @Home member,
your suppose to be able to have your webpage hosted by @Home's own
server. It's a good idea, but the problem is due to the execution
of this service. Yesterday, I thought it might be nice to move my
webpage to @Home, and finally rid myself of this crap I call Geocities.
So I went to @Home's website, ask for an account, and they told
me to wait 30 minutes for my account to be activated. So I go back
online when I woke up today, and check to see if I can start uploading
files to my @Home webpage. Lo-and-behold, I can't. Infact, there's
no such website at all, check it out yourself, http://members.home.net/shinjidc.
I wonder why they advertise that you can make your own website and
get hosted by them, when infact it's totally false. Well this is
for you @Home, YOU SUCK!!!
Well, to wrap things up, and summarize what I said in the above
post; Geocities and @Home SUCKS!!! (yes, "sucks" is the
only word I know).