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Below is the offical Constitution of METRO ANIME.

METRO ANIME Constitution

Articles of the Constitution

* Article I: Club Name

The name of the club shall be "Metro Anime"

* Article II: Purpose

The purpose of this club is to show the best anime free to the general public.

* Article III: Goals

The goal of the club is to spread the knowledge and information of anime to its members and the general public.

* Article IV: Elected Officer Positions

All Elected Officers must be suitable to the rules and regulation of the SVA.


The president is responsible for the overall direction and proper operations of the club. Typically this involves organizing,scheduling, and running all Metro Anime meetings (normal, staff,or executive).  The president must meet with all staff members before each scheduled anime showing.  The president must approve all anime schedules and staff proposals.  The president may additionally appoint and remove members from staff positions.

Vice President

The vice president acts in the place of the president if the president is not present or cannot perform a specific duty, assists the president in determining the anime schedule, and informs the president of potential unforeseen consequences.  The vice president must attend and help run all Metro Anime meeting(normal, staff, or executive).


Maintain club records.  The secretary must be present for all executive meetings to record the minutes.


To handle and keep track of finances of the club.  The treasurer must keep track of receipts and give them to the Vice President of the School of Visual Arts' student government office (VASA).

* Article V: Staff Positions

Staff positions are appointed or vacated by a majority vote of the Executive Board in plenary session.

Staff Coordinator

Organizes all activities for volunteers.

Communications Coordinator

Maintains club electronic mailing list and other multimedia related subjects.


The designer is to create flyers for every Metro Anime meeting.


Responsible to distributing flyers to various anime related stores (with store permission).

Other staff positions

The president or Executive Board may designate other staff positions as needed.

* Article VI: Membership

Membership in Metro Anime is conveyed when a person fills out a membership form and attends at least one meeting.

In order to be a member in good standing, you must attend at least 4 meetings per year (as recorded in the attendance log).

* Article VII: Executive Board

The executive board is comprised of:

All Elected Officers

SVA Club Advisor

The executive board is responsible for assisting and advising the president in determining the overall direction for the club. Additionally, the executive board may set club bylaws in plenary session as set forth in the constitution.

* Article VIII: Officer Elections

Election of officers shall be conducted once a year at the nearest scheduled meeting to November 16.

Officers are elected my a majority vote of attending members in good standing.  If a 50% majority is not reached, the officer-candidate receiving the least number of votes is removed and voting starts anew.

* Article IX: Club Meetings

Normal Meetings

Normal meetings are open to the general public and are held at times specified by the President or the President's designatee. Normal meetings are to be held once a month.

Executive Meetings

Executive meetings may be called by any member of the ExecutiveBoard to discuss matters of importance.  Executive meetingsmay be open or closed at the discretion of the Executive Board. 66% of executive board members must attend.

Staff Meetings

The president or his designatee may call for staff meetings at any     time.  A staff meeting is required before any normal meeting.

Statutory Meetings

Statutory meetings are meetings where constitutionally mandated issues are discussed and voted upon in open session.  Thus, all officer election meetings, constitutional amendments, and ratification meetings are statutory meetings.  Additionally, statutory meetings may be called by the Executive Board, or by petition by the members in good standing.  A 30 day notice is required before any statutory meeting.

* Article X: Club Rules

1.  SVA rules and regulations must be honored while on SVA grounds or when dealing with SVA supplied funds.

2.  Members are expected to be courteous at all times to others during every meeting.  Members are expected to remain (reasonably)quiet during the video or film presentations as well as when there are people addressing the club.

3.  Any member who can not comply with the rules will be asked to leave.

* Article XI: Amendments

All Amendments to the constitution are to be submitted to the president in writing for a vote that shall pass on a 2/3 member in good standing vote.

* Article XII: Ratification

Aspects of the constitution go into effect when 2/3 of ALL active members (members who have attending a meeting within the past six months) vote in favor.

* Article XIII: Petitions and Impeachment

Statutory meetings may be demanded by petition of 25% of ALL members in good standing.  Such a petitioned statutory meeting must take place within 60 days with at least 20 days notice.  The petition must contain the exact issues which will be dealt with.  No subtractions may be made to petitioned issues.

Impeachment may occur at any statutory meeting if the officer or Board member subject to impeachment is aware of the potential risk with at least 20 days notice.  Impeachment occurs when 2/3 of attending members in good standing vote in favor.

* Article XIV: Miscellaneous

Logos and figures

Studio Unicorn IMA and Mah Productions has all the rights and privileges to use the Metro Anime ``Chibi Liberty'' logo.

Video Presentation Content

Metro Anime may present video which is not suitable for all audiences.  Parental discretion is advised.  However, Metro Anime will not/can not allow censorship, discrimination, or restriction of its video presentation.

CopyrightŠ 1997 Mah Productions
METRO ANIME logo and motto are protected under Mah Productions.
Pages Designed By Studio Unicorn Ima in conjunction with Mah Productions.

Last Updated: 01.06.99:21.56.00