Welcome to my Homepage!!!

[under HEAVY construction]

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Welcome to my Homepage!!! My name is Lance Fong, A student from California State University Sacramento, who has created this Homepage for the sole purpose to give back to the general public. From the looks of it... It looks pretty good for a rough draft... This homepage still needs some work, but I am still building my homepage with my free time.

The Links to other places are at the location: Other Links. I have sorted many of the links into categories for easy access. If the Homepage looks in dissaray, its due to lack of time of updating this Homepage on a frequent basis. Please be patient with me. I don't have lots of time to update and make my Homepage look presentable, but in the future, it will look like the Homepage that I want it to look like.

I hope you enjoy your stay at my homepage. Feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions, comments or concerns with the details on my Homepage. All criticism is welcome........................

Enjoy your visit to my Homepage!!!!!

Go here for more linksOther links

Or go here for Chinese Stars Links

Or go here for Japanese Stars Links

Or go here to see Japanese Musical Superstar Noriko Sakai

You can e-mail me here at: ranma_akane@geocities.com

Go here to get the latest Netscape Navigator.

Updated August 10, 1998

Here are some sites of mine that I will create a specialty page for:

My Angelfire Site

It has webpages for the American Basketball League (womens Basketball league),The Womens National Basketball Association (WNBA), and Major League Baseball (MLB). Soon to have teams of the National Football League (NFL) and the National Hockey League (NHL). I might even develop links to the CFL, RHI, IHL, or any other league I can find.

50megs.com site

This has sites that will let you earn money by reading e-mail and more.

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