Dream Pod 9-approved desktop goodies

After skimming through the company's website and various of their products, I had proposed to Marc-Alex Vezina that it wouldn't hurt to inaugurate a line of authourized desktop items. It turned out that they simply were too busy to make the things (given all the fine work they've put out, who can blame them?) and I offered to handle the task.
Shortly thereafter, having asked for and received the necessary graphic resources from the Jovian Chronicles portion of their lineup, I set to work.

All icon and cursor files are for the Windows operating system; users of other systems are invited to contact me.

Jovian Chronicles

Space, the final frontier.
Humanity has overcome barriers technical and intrisnic to establish itself beyond its birthworld's atmosphere. Yet, as the old saying goes, 'the more things change...'
There is an old Chinese curse which translates: 'May you live in interesting times.' By that reckoning, the twenty-second century is well and truly cursed.

Logo icons
The pragmatic Mercurians; the liberal Jovian Confederation; the Venusians and their intrigues... Now your My Computer icon (or its analogue) can reflect your allegiance.
Cursor pack
Complete - with the exception of a link-select cursor - replacement set; the 'Busy' and 'Working in Background' cursors cycle through the factions' logos.

Planned additions/works in progress:

Heavy Gear

Time: the far future.
Place: Terra Nova.
[insert appropriate blurb here]

As time permits, this gaming universe will gain its share of desktop accessories.

Dream Pod 9 homepage: The people behind the universes. If you're unclear as to what all this is about I recommend starting here.

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